() Lars Ingebrigtsen <la...@gnus.org>
() Sat, 02 Jan 2021 07:13:10 +0100

   It sounds like your Emacs doesn't understand the TLS as
   spoken by eggs.gnu.org.


   > (This is w/ Gnus v5.13 on Emacs 21.7.)

   I'm guessing that's 27.1.  :-)

Oops, yes.  A little subconscious nostalgia there... :-D

   What's your OS and the gnutls version?

$ gnutls-cli --version
gnutls-cli 3.6.15

$ uname -a
Linux miasma 5.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.9.11-1 (2020-11-27) x86_64 GNU/Linux

(This is actually a Devuan distro, somewhere between Beowulf and
Chimaera, kind of a mixed bag...)

Thien-Thi Nguyen -----------------------------------------------
 (defun responsep (query)               ; (2021) Software Libero
   (pcase (context query)               ;       = Dissenso Etico
     (`(technical ,ml) (correctp ml))
     ...))                              748E A0E8 1CB8 A748 9BFA
--------------------------------------- 6CE4 6703 2224 4C80 7502

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