Am Mi, 2021-12-01, 13:47 -1000, Bob Newell <> schrieb:

thanks for the reply.
i gave gnorb a try, but if i move a message,  that is linked with gnorb,
i got the following error:
gnorb-org-setup-message: Symbol’s function definition is void: second

do you know what it means?


> physiculus <> writes:
>> scenario:
>> i create a org link with org and insert the link into an org file.
>> works.
>> now i move the message inside gnus to another folder.
>> open the link inside the org file is not valid anymore.
> Without getting into unknown territory about why this is, I
> have encountered the same problem.
> I have a solution that applies only to gmail, so it may not
> help. I have some elisp that runs as a hook after a gnus
> org-mode link is created, and changes (for instance) "Inbox"
> to "All Mail". This takes advantage of the fact that
> everything in gmail is always in "All Mail" so the org link is
> always valid.
> Something similar for non-gmail probably could be cooked up if
> you're willing to move the item in question to a common folder
> such as an archive.
> I don't say that this is a substitute for actually figuring
> things out. I have tried Gnorb which tracks via the registry
> but never completely got it to be as general as I wished.

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