Dear Bob,

>>>>> Bob Newell <> writes:

    > Colin Baxter 😺 <> writes:

    >> I have a doc group which appears in the Group buffer with the
    >> long name of
    >> nndoc+/full/path/to/filename:.filename
    >> How can I shorten this to say "nndoc+:filename"? I've tried
    >> editing with Gp, GE but to no effect.

    > If I understand your question correctly, you can do something like
    > I do with group-name-map:

    > (setq group-name-map '(("" . "Inbox")
    > ("[Gmail]/All Mail" . "All Mail")
    > ("[Gmail]/Sent Mail" . "Sent Mail")
    > ("[Gmail]/Drafts" . "Drafts")
    > ("" . "Tea Trader") .... etc.

Thank you for the reply. Your suggestion didn't work for me, but led
instead to some "try-it-and-see" work and ultimately to the
solution. All I had to do was to change the gnus-group-line-format
variable. I had used `g' - the "Qualified group name". I altered it to
'G' - the "Group name" - which gave a nicely shorted display name.

Thanks again.

Best wishes,


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