hput writes:

> My messages seem to carry a bunch of guff into this group from the
> maillist.

You can thank spammers for that.

Many mailing lists do From: rewriting these days when the From:-domain
has DMARC set up, because otherwise emails sent out by the mailing list
fail SPF.

This can be avoided by adding a DKIM header, which can be non-trivial¹ -
e.g. you need control of DNS of the domain in your From:-address.

> What can I so that all but the actual address of that maillist is
> gone?

The munged From:-line is what the mailing list sends out - so all you
can achieve is that it looks different on your screen.

  Best regards,


¹ https://koldfront.dk/adding_dkim_to_news_articles_1617

 "Är där noget så härligt som blommer om moronnen?          Adam Sjøgren
  Ja, alko-läsk!"                                      a...@koldfront.dk

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