> (setq gnus-parameters '(
>                       (".*" ; Matches all groups of
>                                   messages 
>                          (posting-style (address "GMail
>                          <x...@googlemail.com>")
>                          ("X-Message-SMTP-Method" "smtp smtp.gmail.com
>                          587 x...@googlemail.com") ) (gcc-self .
>                                   t) (charset . utf-8) )
>                         ("Privat"
>                          (posting-style
>                                     (address "x...@holnishaus.de")
>                                     (name "jensprivat")
>                                     ("X-Message-SMTP-Method" "smtp
> wpxxx.mailout.server-he.de 25 wpxxx") (body "")

Do you get the same results when trying to send through
smtp.gmail.com as you do with wpxxx.mailout.server-he.de? That
is to say the 550 relay not permitted?

Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i

- Via GNU/Linux/Emacs/Gnus/BBDB

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