emacs on debian bullseye on userland.[1]

retrieved emails using getmail.
start gnus, in menu click groups, subscribe, 
subscribe to a group, select nnmaildir:inbox.
(for some reason it does not show inbox.)
click an email, click E, do samething to 
next email. click "exit current group & return
to selection mode". it shows error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Adding new name" "Operation not 
permitted" "/home/jin/.Maildir/INBOX/.nnmaildir/marks/expire/:" 
  signal(file-error ("Adding new name" "Operation not permitted" 
  #f(compiled-function (mark) #<bytecode 0x3f28b5b>)(expire)
  mapcar(#f(compiled-function (mark) #<bytecode 0x3f28b5b>) (expire))
  #f(compiled-function (article) #<bytecode 0x3f28b65>)(#s(nnmaildir--art 
:prefix #("1670896098.M36155P14722Q1.localhost" 0 35 (charset iso-8859-1)) 
:suffix #(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 40 :msgid 
"<note_1205870...@gitlab.com>" :nov ["Re: DefaultEncrypt | No recipient 
specified, No en..." "<reply-7dabf0453c2e1dddfd5baa944a8f0...@gitlab.com..." 
"To: jindam.v...@disroot.org" (25495 55778 31399 491000) (To Newsgroups Cc)]))
  nnmaildir--nlist-iterate(((46 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix 
#("1670920093.M129738P8922Q3.localhost" 0 35 (charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix 
#(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 46 :msgid 
"<note_1206871...@gitlab.com>" :nov ["Re: DefaultEncrypt | No recipient 
specified, No en..." "<reply-2239752f02779e2fb11adcd3be65e...@gitlab.com..." 
"To: jindam.v...@disroot.org" (25496 14237 131350 5000) (To Newsgroups Cc)])) 
(45 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix #("1670920092.M574025P8921Q2.localhost" 0 35 
(charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix #(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 45 :msgid 
"<2a027c71d51cdca11cf0ba75f2628...@gitlab.com>" :nov ["Re: DefaultEncrypt | No 
recipient specified, No en..." 
"<reply-492ebdc0475a8195ab41502b050bd...@gitlab.com..." "To: 
jindam.v...@disroot.org" (25496 14236 581350 5000) (To Newsgroups Cc)])) (44 . 
#s(nnmaildir--art :prefix #("1670920091.M822010P8920Q1.localhost" 0 35 (charset 
iso-8859-1)) :suffix #(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 44 :msgid 
"<EXALAB/AnLinux-App/pull/389/push/11975509535@gith..." :nov ["Re: 
[EXALAB/AnLinux-App] Renderer (PR #389)\11Taufik..." 
"<EXALAB/AnLinux-App/pull/3...@github.com>\0115963\01169" "Cc: Push 
<p...@noreply.github.com>\11To: EXALAB/AnLi..." (25496 14235 821350 6000) (To 
Newsgroups Cc)])) (43 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix 
#("1670920090.M986363P8919Q0.localhost" 0 35 (charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix 
#(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 43 :msgid "<ygf5yegvyxa.fsf@jindam>" 
:nov ["gnus-user-agent & nnmaildir:inbox is not visible\11j..." 
"\0115307\01126" "To: info-gnus-english@gnu.org" (25496 14234 991350 7000) (To 
Newsgroups Cc)])) (42 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix 
#("1670896099.M236407P14724Q3.localhost" 0 36 (charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix 
#(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 42 :msgid 
"<enwiki.6397ba1a06e006.90225...@en.wikipedia.org>" :nov 
["=?UTF-8?Q?=E2=80=AAMediaWiki=20message=20de...=E2=..." "\118551\011129" "To: 
\"Jindam vani\" <jindam.v...@disroot.org>" (25495 55779 231399 490000) (To 
Newsgroups Cc)])) (41 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix 
#("1670896098.M599434P14723Q2.localhost" 0 36 (charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix 
#(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 41 :msgid 
"<y5ejinngtq3kp...@seger.debian.org>" :nov ["[SECURITY] [DSA 5300-1] pngcheck 
security update\11M..." "\0117915\01147" "To: 
debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org" (25495 55778 601399 491000) (To 
Newsgroups Cc)])) (40 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix 
#("1670896098.M36155P14722Q1.localhost" 0 35 (charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix 
#(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 40 :msgid 
"<note_1205870...@gitlab.com>" :nov ["Re: DefaultEncrypt | No recipient 
specified, No en..." "<reply-7dabf0453c2e1dddfd5baa944a8f0...@gitlab.com..." 
"To: jindam.v...@disroot.org" (25495 55778 31399 491000) (To Newsgroups Cc)])) 
(39 . #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix #("1670896097.M494699P14721Q0.localhost" 0 36 
(charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix #(":2,S" 0 4 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 39 :msgid 
"<63972074d4e30_244344dc494a5@gitlab-sidekiq-catcha..." :nov ["gitlab.com 
from new location\11GitLab <gitla..." "\01112120\011173" "To: 
jindam.v...@disroot.org" (25495 55777 491399 492000) (To Newsgroups Cc)])) (37 
. #s(nnmaildir--art :prefix #("1670778889.M921681P32459Q1.localhost" 0 36 
(charset iso-8859-1)) :suffix #(":2,FS" 0 5 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 37 
:msgid "<ygf7cyyyncs.fsf@jindam>" :nov ["[v 1.0] disroot email pop3 gnus 
configuration on d..." "\01111290\011234" "To: info-gnus-english@gnu.org" 
(25494 4105 931278 234000) (To Newsgroups Cc)])) (36 . #s(nnmaildir--art 
:prefix #("1670778889.M196765P32458Q0.localhost" 0 36 (charset iso-8859-1)) 
:suffix #(":2,FS" 0 5 (charset iso-8859-1)) :num 36 :msgid 
"<y5szgqwid9ger...@seger.debian.org>" :nov ["[SECURITY] [DSA 5299-1] openexr 
security update\11Ma..." "\118318\01152" "To: 
debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org" (25494 4105 201278 234000) (To 
Newsgroups Cc)]))) (40 41 42 44 45 46) #f(compiled-function (article) 
#<bytecode 0x3f28b65>))
  nnmaildir-request-set-mark("INBOX" (((40 41 42 44 45 46) add (expire)) ((43) 
add (tick))) "")
  gnus-request-set-mark("nnmaildir:INBOX" (((40 41 42 44 45 46) add (expire)) 
((43) add (tick))))
  call-interactively(gnus-summary-exit nil nil)

;; .emacs

(setq make-backup-files nil)
(setq create-lockfiles nil)
(setq auto-save-default nil)
(setq frame-title-format "%b")
 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(debug-on-error t)
 '(display-battery-mode nil)
 '(initial-buffer-choice "~/")
 '(send-mail-function 'mailclient-send-it)
 '(smtpmail-smtp-server "disroot.org")
 '(smtpmail-smtp-service 25))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(default ((t (:family "fixed" :foundry "misc" :slant normal :weight normal 
:height 231 :width normal)))))
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/jl-encrypt")
(require 'jl-encrypt)
(require 'epa-file) (setq epa-file-encrypt-to "46BB3F32")
(setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)

;; .gnus

(setq gnus-select-method '(nnnil ""))
(add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods
             '(nnmaildir ""
              (directory "/home/jin/.Maildir/")
              (get-new-mail t)
              (directory-files nnheader-directory-files-safe)))
(setq mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent)
(setq read-mail-command 'gnus)
(setq mail-sources
                  '((pop :server "disroot.org"
                         :user "jindam.v...@disroot.org")))
(setq send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
(setq message-send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it)
(setq smtpmail-default-smtp-server "disroot.org")
(setq smtpmail-stream-type 'ssl)
(setq smtpmail-servers-requiring-authorization ".*")
(setq smtpmail-smtp-service 465)
(setq smtpmail-starttls-credentials '(("disroot.org" 465 nil nil)))

how do i resolve issue?

[1] https://github.com/CypherpunkArmory/UserLAnd

jindam, vani

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