Julien Cubizolles <j.cubizol...@free.fr> writes:

> I noticed that the permanent search groups I've created don't get
> rescanned by (gnus-demon-scan-news), I need to run
> (gnus-summary-rescan-group) in its summary to get the new search
> results. Is there a way to trigger a rescan of all nnselect groups when
> the contents of the groups searched has changed ?

The Select Groups section of the manual has information on this:

   Refreshing the selection of an nnselect group by running the
‘nnselect-function’ may take a long time to complete.  Consequently
nnselect groups are not refreshed by default when
‘gnus-group-get-new-news’ is invoked.  In those cases where running the
function is not too time-consuming, a non-‘nil’ group parameter of
‘nnselect-rescan’ will allow automatic refreshing.  A refresh can always
be invoked manually through ‘gnus-group-get-new-news-this-group’.

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