Eric writes:

> I would love a gnus interface to ActivityPub, mastodon in particular
> at the moment, giving me adaptive scoring and threading although I
> imagine the latter may be challenging if not impossible.

It's actually not that bad - ActivityPub objects have an "inReplyTo"
key which points to the parent, and that's sufficient for Gnus to do
the threading as expected.

So far I am just shoving the "inReplyTo" into References: which means
that Gnus only knows about the immediate parent.

To get the other replies in the same thread, more work is needed,
fetching URLs specified in the "replies" Collection of the object.

Everything can be seen through the glasses of NNTP if you squint a
little ;-)

  Best regards,


 "[...] but beyond that the Fry household had as            Adam Sjøgren
  much interest or understanding of sport as a potato
  has of  Riemann's zeta function."

    • ... Adam Sjøgren
      • ... Eric S Fraga
        • ... Adam Sjøgren
          • ... Eric S Fraga
            • ... Eric S Fraga
              • ... Adam Sjøgren
              • ... Eric S Fraga
              • ... Adam Sjøgren
              • ... Eric S Fraga
              • ... Björn Bidar
              • ... Adam Sjøgren
          • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
            • ... Adam Sjøgren
        • ... Richmond
          • ... Eric S Fraga
  • ... Richmond

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