Everyday I get an email from my bank saying what my account balance is. These 
are all different emails, but Gnus puts them all in one thread, I think because 
they have the same subject. If I go into my bank group and insert old articles, 
I get

O  Jan 24, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0  Account Balance Notification
O  Jan 24, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0   ╰─► 
O  Jan 25, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0     ╰─► 
O  Jan 27, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0       ╰─► 
O  Jan 30, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0         ╰─► 
O  Jan 31, 2023     Alliant Alerts      0           ╰─►

I don't know the most informative way to ask this question, but is there a way 
to make Gnus just thread distinct conversations together (like Outlook.)

I'd like to not disable threads entirely.

Dr. John Haman
Maryland, USA

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