Dan Christensen <j...@uwo.ca> writes:

> On Jan  1, 2024, James Thomas <jim...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> In addition to setting this to nil, I also set the levels ('S l' in the
>> Group buffer) of all the groups to 7 to achieve this.
> Level 7 is considered "unsubscribed", so that might cause some issues.
> Try level 3?

I've used this strategy for some years and level 5 works
perfectly for me.  When I want to read a level 5 group, I
position to the group and M-1 g does it "on demand."

Only my INBOX is level 1 (I fetch from gmail).

Bob Newell
Honolulu, Hawai`i

- Via GNU-Linux/Emacs/Gnus/BBDB

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