NNTP Surfer via "Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs
Usenet newsreader (in English)" <info-gnus-english@gnu.org> writes:

> I use Emacs 30.0.50 built from sources. Adding code to
> ~/.emacs.d/init.el:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (setq mail-sources '((file :path "/var/mail/myusername")))
> #+end_src
> seems to do nothing.
> - After running M-x Gnus, there is no entry with
>   emails in *Groups* buffer.
> - Command `less /var/mail/myusername` shows
>   that there is at least one message in file.

New discovery: now I noticed that messages are copied to
message-directory in Gnus. They still are not showing in *Groups*

  • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
    • ... Eric S Fraga
      • ... Björn Bidar
      • ... Eric S Fraga
      • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
        • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)
          • ... Eric S Fraga
            • ... Announcements and discussions for GNUS, the GNU Emacs Usenet newsreader (in English)

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