Title: AV Co-op Update
The following message was sent by Bud Carruthers, IEC AV/Computer Co-op Coordinator...

You may access the Spring 2003 AV/Computer co-op via two web sites:
    http://av.co-op.k12.ia.us/    or    http://www.iec-ia.org/

* If you no longer want co-op information sent to you, please email me and request to be taken off this listserve.

1.    The AV Co-op catalog is online and contains 1166 items. Both the online and pdf versions of the catalog identify "New" items to the catalog.

2.    If you have logged in this past spring or fall, then use the same login name and password. If you are new to the system or have had a change in your email address, then login as a "New User" and give yourself a password. If you have forgotten your password, email us and we will look it up and get back to you.

3.    Please read the instructions for ordering.

4.   We have added a few fields to the "Order Profile" which allows the "Authorized" purchasing agent the ability to create and print out a Purchase order.  The Purchasing agent will need to edit each existing building profile by clicking on that profile and then updating the info. Changes that may need to be made include adding ... Federal and State Tax Exempt numbers, the "Title" of the person signing the PO, and verifying the "Shipping and Billing" info to make sure it references when to have items shipped and invoiced.

5.    If you have printed the catalog, it will be important for you to periodically check back to the website and view any "Updates" enabling you to have accurate information.

6.    Make all POs out to the vendor but send/Fax the PO to me. We will review your PO and will send orders requesting immediate delivery to the vendor right away. We have no way of knowing what the delivery schedule might be for products. If that is important to you then please call the vendor.
7.    We are working with several computer companies / vendors to be able to get you better pricing and a wider range of products from them. If you are wanting to purchase Hewlett Packard (HP/Compaq) computers and peripherals, you need to go to the HP/IEC website (http://www.hp.com/buy/ieck12/) noted in the description of those items . Once at the site, you can choose from the AV co-op items offered, or you may link to the rest of their products to get WISCA pricing. If you are purchasing small quantities your best value will be by using the AV Co-op or WISCA pricing. If you are needing large quantities, please contact me with your needs/specs and I may be able to get you better pricing.

Go to the main AV Co-op website
You will see that we enable you to copy the catalog to your desktop, either as a whole catalog, or as individual Product Headings. Once you download to your desktop, then you can print it.

If you are using a modem
, I recommend that you download and print the "Product Headings" separately to create a complete catalog. Even if you have a fast internet connection it takes SEVERAL minutes to download the "complete catalog" pdf to your computer.

You could open and view each pdf online but the bigger files take a long time to open.

8.        If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer (allows you to read the pdf), just click on the Adobe Acrobat icon on our web site to download it free.

9.    As always, if you are having problems or have suggestions of how to make using the website easier just give me a call or email.

Bud Carruthers, Coordinator Iowa AV/Computer Co-op, x157
Mary Allaman, Secretary, x287
Craig Tinker
Field Media Technician * Co-op Coordinator
Arrowhead AEA #5 Instructional Services
330 Avenue M  * Box 1399
Fort Dodge, IA 50501

Phone - 515-574-5587
Fax - 515-574-5567
AEA Web Site - http://www.aea5.k12.ia.us
AV Co-op Web Site - http://av.co-op.k12.ia.us/

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