Greetings all,

There seems to be very little action on the list serv this year and I must
say that is disappointing.  I miss the days of long strings of discussions
that kept us from our appointed duties and allowed us to slack in the name
of "learning" about new technologies.  But alas it is not to be this year.

Any way, I am now done with that diatribe and am on to a new one.  What to
do when I retire.

Taking the lead of the great people who have gone before us (George and
Bruce) I am trying to figure out what retirement is about for me.  I thought
about taking Bruce's lead and moving and playing golf all the time.  But I
probably will not be allowed to move as my wife's family is in Fort Dodge
and I do not play golf. (Well not well any way).  So I figured that I am
going to follow George's lead.  I am going to get out of the bureaucracy of
education, quit fighting the budget battles, get away from long boring
meetings (not the tech coordinators, I like that one), and become mayor of
my home town.

Yes folks that is right.  George is the Mayor elect of Pocahontas.  By quite
a margin to if I read the paper correctly.  Congratulations to our retired
friend George on his victory.  I never even knew he was running.

On a separate note, when is the next Tech Coordinators meeting, what is the
agenda and where is it at?
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle grove Community School District

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