As I was going through spam messages today I have came across a few messages that look 
very legitimate message from an Ebay user.  The message is formatted EXACTLY like a 
reply to a "Ask a Seller" form.  The subject line is:
RE: Question for seller -- Item #755393200
The item number changes on each message.

The body of the message looks like a response about shipping prices.  then goes into 
the standard Ebay product summary.  It is formatted to look like they are replying to 
a user on your mail system.

I also noted that the item number in the body of the message did not match the Item # 
in the subject.  When I looked up the items in Ebay manually they both did not exist.  
I then looked at the link on the email message.  The HTML code links to 
"" with the rest of the URL message looking legitimate. The link text 
says though ""; So it looks almost perfect.  The message itself 
does not contain a virus so I don't expect it to be caught by any virus scanners but I 
would have to imagine that the site the URL links to is going to do something to your 

Warn your users not to open any messages that have the subject line "RE: Question for 
seller -- Item #xxx" and to just delete them.
Archived messages from this list can be found at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

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