If you are in the market for a projector, check out these rebates from Ask Proxima / Infocus. Note that the rebate is only good through October and only for the products listed!

On Oct 20, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Greg Berg @ Midwest Computer Products wrote:

New end-user rebates were announced this week for select ASK Proxima and InFocus projectors.  Of those on the Fall Coop the following rebates are currently in affect for purchases made by 10/31/2005:
ASK Proxima C110, $25 end user rebate.
InFocus X3, $100 end user rebate.
ASK Proxima C180, $100 end user rebate.
Remember, claims must be made within 30 calendar days of purchase and the UPC codes must be sent in along with the claim form and invoice.  I recommend that everyone make copies of everything before mailing them in case of questions later on the claim submission.  Claim forms are available at www.infocusrebates.com.  Thanks!
Greg Berg
Midwest Computer Products
InFocus Certified Systems Professional
Voicemail: 800-231-1199
Office: (515) 963-4452

Bud Carruthers, IEC Coordinator x1157
3601 West Avenue Road, Box 1065
Burlington, Ia 52601
319-752-7525 Fax to my office

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