We need your input
Last summer Prairie Lakes hosted a conference called : Integrating Instruction 
and Technology for 21st Century Learners.  The conference targeted Middle 
School educators. 

This year, Prairie Lakes AEA and Northwest AEA are partnering together for the 
2nd annual conference: Technology Leadership for 21st Century Learning with the 
conference being primarily directed toward High School educators. 

 Alan November, one of the keynotes at ITEC this year, has tentatively agreed 
to be the keynote speaker.  We are thrilled that Alan will be present as we 
consider 21st Century Skills for our students.  Plans are to have the entire 
conference at the Buena Vista University campus in Storm Lake  on June 15-17; 
having the conference locations in multiple sites has been eliminated.

In order to make the conference the best it can be, we would like your input as 
we plan conference details. To gather the data we need,  a short (I promise) 
survey using Google Docs has been created.  The survey will only take a few 
minutes of your time to complete. Thank you so much for your input.  

The link to the survey can be found at: 

Again, thanks for your time and your input!   


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