Lance and others,

Having very recently read vendor responses from the 28 page of RFP for the 
library automation software (my eyes are still blurry), this software looks 
like it might work for your home collection, but I would NOT recommend it for 
the library automation software - there are FAR too many things that it cannot 

And, just for Lance, there is that Mac limitation.   8-)

More information will be forthcoming about the Joint Library Automation 
Project.  For right now, the latest update is that we have signed a letter of 
understanding with TLC- The Library Corporation.  No financial or legal 
obligation at this time, but an acknowledgement that TLC is the selected vendor 
for the project.  

If you have any questions, please contact Scott or myself as we are both on the 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lance Lennon 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 12:37 PM
  Subject: [info-tech] Media Software

  Not sure if anyone out there is looking at new media center software. But I 
am on another list serv and the topic came up.  I had been looking at a piece 
of software (Thanks to a conversation with Karl) for personal use and started 
wondering if it would work as a media Catalog.  After contacing the creator, he 
says that is one of the very reasons that he created it.

  It is Delicious LIbrary. It is Mac only, but it is cool as all get out.  IT 
uses the iSight camera to scan barcodes and then uses that bar code to get 
images and info of the media item from  Really really cool.

  The database is web accessible. Not sure about the check out feature (ease of 
use) but there is that feature.
  "We must, however, acknowledge, as it seems to me, that man with all his 
noble qualities...still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his 
lowly origin. " 
      ~ Charles Darwin
  Lance L. Lennon
  District Technology Director
  Eagle Grove Community School District

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