On a new box I have SQL to support MOSS 07, in the process I actually followed 
directions and made a separate admin user for the sql, (looking back I wished I 
was lazy and just used the regular admin account), when I started to make a new 
database in sharepoint, I lacked permission to make it.  I proceeded to change 
the services logon to domain\admin but still no go, then I added domain\admin 
to the list of user in the sql console,  still no go. ( It did not allow me to 
create similar properties to the admin from the original admin).

With SQL I need to use a cookbook in all things, can't fall off the beaten 
path, since my knowledge of it is quite thin.

I guess that's what I get for staying late today. Thanks for any help or 

Murray Gafkjen
Clay Central Everly

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