All this talk about Joomla got me wondering.


We have a separate INTRANET for staff we use webGUI.  What are others
doing for intranet?  Joomla? 


We'd like to  create a repository for classroom content and resources.
Here's what I envision happening.

A teacher puts together a lesson or group of resources for a lesson and
saves it (any type of file - including Interactive whiteboard, html,
responders, anything)

They go to a website that allows them to answer a few simple questions
(via dropdown) like grade, subject and type (resource, lesson plan,
notebook file, etc.)

Then a browse button that allows them to upload the file from their
desktop to a server.


The files that are on this server then populate a separate website that
is categorized by grade, subject and type so teachers can lookup what
other teachers around our district are doing. (no sense in recreating
the wheel)

We could also used this repository as a way to publish common
assessments.  Would this be a sharepoint thing?  Is anyone doing
anything like this?




    Layne A. Henn





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