I too am going to set up classrooms this summer.

Karl, please share photos. We know you have nothing else to do today as the kids are out.


On May 6, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Karl Hehr wrote:

I use RapidRun Products and will continue to, and to get the coaxial/ s-vid and other connections I add in an AverMedia AverTV Box7, it has an extra 15 pin connection too.

Karl H. Hehr
Technology/Curriculum Director
South Hamilton CSD
515.827.5418 (W)
515.209.9767 (C)
515.827.5368 (F)

Luddite by Degrees
1) Anything that is in the world when you're born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. 2) Anything that's invented between when you're 15 and 35 is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. 3) Anything invented after you're 35 is again the natural order of things
                                                        --- Douglas Adams

On May 6, 2009, at 9:02 AM, Jackie Fonley wrote:

Hi! So I am working on the first step in mounting projectors and all the wiring . . . Do you have a box on the wall to connect everything to, and then run the cables from there to the projector. . . or would you recommend (if they even still make these) the boxes that everything would plug into and then run one cable from that spot to the projector. (were they called a video processor or something--View Sonic made if I remember correctly . . .)

I want ports like the picture below . . . but will need another of the 15 pin connectors --one for the computer and one for a document camera. What is everyone using/recommending?



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    ~ Rich Cook
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle Grove Community School District

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