Well that is what we were wondering, is if they couldn't be connected to
each other.  And we were going to run a fiber but didn't for some unknown
reason.  Wish we would have cause I have fiber transceivers to use.  And yes
I'm going to look a wireless solution.  


From: info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us [mailto:info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us]
On Behalf Of Scott Fosseen [Prairie Lakes AEA]
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:15 PM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: Re: [info-tech] SDSL Modems


Are you sure you have the right equipment?  >From a quick scan these look
like they would connect to an ISP who has the other end of the circuit, and
not necessarily connect to each other.  I could be wrong on this, but it
does not look like the other DSL equipment I have seen.  The Point to Point
DSL equipment I have worked with has had two different components.  


It also looks like your max speed will be a little low as well with these


At 1000' I would think wireless would be an option if you can get line of
site between buildings.  The ideal situation would be to use Fiber to
connect the buildings for the fastest possible connection.


From: Mitch Mueller <mailto:mmuel...@emmetsburg.k12.ia.us>  

Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 12:01 PM

To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us 

Subject: [info-tech] SDSL Modems


Anyone know how to configured SDSL Routers to send internet to each other.
We are trying to get internet in a remote building, appox. 1000 ft away, and
we are going to use SDSL Routers.  We have two Netopia R-7200 SDSL Routers.
Really needing some help getting them to talk to each other.  If you have
any suggestions for me please let me know.  Or if there is a easier way to
get internet to the remote building let me know.  Really need some help for

Mitch Mueller

Emmetsburg CSD

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