You could do what we did at our Elementary school. Have the Building firm gather quotes (or say they would) and then find out two weeks before the drop ceiling that nothing had been quoted, so you beg local contractors to do the job on a hurry up basis.

That works well and you always get the best pricing that way too.

Happy Monday, everyone!  With our new middle school addition, we are
getting to the point of putting together a network/phone proposal for
bidding.  We have the main components . . .  but I am just curious as
to how others who have gone through this process has put this together
and what all you have included.  It would be nice to see things done/
thought of  at other places-- and if you have a copy of something you
have used that would be even better.  Thanks in advance, and hope this
makes sense!

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"USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population."
    ~David Letterman
Lance L. Lennon
District Technology Director
Eagle Grove Community School District

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