What is involved in that? Do we upload our library database? What does
that cost?



From: info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us
[mailto:info-tech-ow...@aea8.k12.ia.us] On Behalf Of Brad Kruse
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:46 AM
To: info-tech@aea8.k12.ia.us
Subject: Re: [info-tech] Library Software


spectrum (folliet) but moving to the online/aea host sometime this year
- we are scheduled

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 4:54 AM, Richardson,Tony
<trichard...@humboldt.k12.ia.us> wrote:

Quick Survey - what is everyone using for Library software?



Tony Richardson,

Network Administrator / Director of Technology

Humboldt Community School District




Brad Kruse
MNW Technology Coordinator
1601 15th St.
Manson, IA  50563

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