-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 September 2002 11:05
Subject: UNIRAS Brief - 310/02 - Hewlett-Packard - Vulnerabilities in
Apache OpenSSL code + DNS resolver libraries (Revision 5)


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   UNIRAS (UK Govt CERT) Briefing Notice - 310/02 dated 12.09.02  Time: 11:00
 UNIRAS is part of NISCC(National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UNIRAS material is also available from its website at www.uniras.gov.uk and
         Information about NISCC is available from www.niscc.gov.uk
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Two Hewlett-Packard Security Bulletins:

1.  A remotely exploitable potential vulnerability in a Apache OpenSSL code

2.  Security Vulnerability in DNS resolver libraries (Revision 5)

   Originally issued: 11 Sept 2002
   SSRT 2310 OpenSSL Vulnerabilities

The information in the following Security Bulletin should be acted
upon as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will not be
liable for any consequences to any customer resulting from customer's
failure to fully implement instructions in this Security Bulletin as
soon as possible.

PROBLEM:  A remotely exploitable potential vulnerability in a
          Apache OpenSSL code.

PLATFORM: HP9000 Servers running HP-UX release 11.00, 11.11, 11.20,
          and 11.22 with versions or and earlier,
          of the HP Apache product installed are affected.

DAMAGE:   Potential for increased privilege, DoS, or execution of
          arbitrary code.

SOLUTION: For HP-UX releases 11.00, 11.11, 11.20 and 11.22 as well
          as release 11.11 running IPv6, download new product
          bundles for OpenSSL 0.9.6g (PA and IPF) from

MANUAL ACTIONS: Yes - Install repaired binary.

AVAILABILITY: Complete product bundles are available now on

A. Background
    The CERT Advisory CA-2002-23 regarding Multiple Vulnerabilities
    In OpenSSL, affects the following HP product numbers:

    B9415AA Apache 1.3.x  HP-UX releases 11.00 and 11.11
    B9416AA Apache 2.x    HP-UX releases 11.00 and 11.11
    B9415AA Apache 1.3.x  HP-UX releases 11.20 and 11.22
    B9416AA Apache 2.x    HP-UX releases 11.20 and 11.22
    B9416BA Apache 2.x    IPv6 HP-UX release 11.11

   With this release HP has upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.6g, and fixes
   certain known OpenSSL vulnerabilities.
   See CVE issues: CAN-2002-0656, CAN-2002-0657,CAN-2002-0655
   at <http://cve.mitre.org/>.

   More information can be found at <http://www.openssl.org>.

   The OpenSSL community has released OpenSSL 0.9.6g as the best
   known version superseding the OpenSSL 0.9.6e release that was
   identified in the CVE report.

   The defects in mod_ssl version 2.8.10 (Apache 1.3.x only) is also
   addressed herein.

   Finally, this release also has upgraded MM version 1.2.1, which
   fixes certain known vulnerabilities. OSSP mm library (libmm)
   before 1.2.0 allows the local Apache user to gain privileges.
   More details can be found in the issue CAN-2002-0658 at
   <http://cve.mitre.org/>. (Apache 1.3.x only)

   Before updating, make sure to stop any previous HP Apache binary.
   Otherwise, the previous binary will continue running, preventing
   the new one from automatically starting, although the
   installation would be successful.

   The command to stop the HP Apache binary is:
       for 1.3.26:
            /opt/apache/bin/apachectl stop
       for 2.0.39:
            /opt/hpapache2/bin/apachectl stop

    HP Apache automatically starts upon installation if port 80
    is available.

    Installation of this new version of HP Apache over an existing
    HP Apache installation is supported, while installation over a
    non-HP Apache is NOT supported.

 Case id: SSRT2310a
 HP TRU64 UNIX and HP OpenVMS Potential OpenSSL Security Vulnerability
 The SSRT2310a security bulletin will be posted to the HP support website
 within 24 hours of it's release to:
 Use the SEARCH IN feature box, enter SSRT2310a in the search window.

         HP OpenVMS HP
         OpenSSL for HP OpenVMS Alpha V1.0
         HP  V5.3 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
         HP OpenVMS  Secure Web Server  1.1-1
         HP OpenVMS  Secure Web Server  V1.2
         HP TRU64 UNIX
         Internet Express V5.9 for Tru64 UNIX
         Secure Web Server & Internet Express EAK V2.0
         HP Tru64 UNIX Secure Web Server V5.8.1 and earlier

B. Fixing the problem
    The fixes for all versions are in the form of new product
    bundles, instead of patches.  To retrieve them, go to

          Install Apache versions or

   Note: OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) customers should not
         install these versions.  The version of Apache delivered
         with NNM is under investigation.  This bulletin will be
         updated when more information is available.

C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
   Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
   mail, do the following:

   Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page at:


    Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
    using your ID and password.  Use your existing login or the
    "Register" button at the left to create a login, in order to
    gain access to many areas of the ITRC.  Remember to save the
    User ID assigned to you, and your password.

    In the left most frame select "Maintenance and Support".

    Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
    the page), select "Support Information Digests".

    To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
    Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column)
    for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update
    Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page.


    To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
    (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.

    To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select
    the link for "The Security Bulletins Archive".  (near the
    bottom of the page)  Once in the archive the third link is
    to the current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this
    matrix categorizes security patches by platform/OS release,
    and by bulletin topic.  Security Patch Check completely
    automates the process of reviewing the patch matrix for
    11.XX systems.

    For information on the Security Patch Check tool, see:

    The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous


    On the "Support Information Digest Main" page:
    click on the "HP Security Bulletin Archive".

D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to


   Please encrypt any exploit information using the
   security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
   server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body)
   of 'get key' (no quotes) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Permission is granted for copying and circulating this
   Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet
   community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems,
   if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in
   any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction
   and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes.

   Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not
   liable for any misuse of this information by any third party.
- --
- -----End of Document ID:  HPSBUX0209-217--------------------------------------


 **REVISED 05**
 Originally issued: 12 Aug 2002
 Last revised: 11 Sept 2002
 SSRT2316 Security Vulnerability in DNS resolver libraries

The information in the following Security Bulletin should be
acted upon as soon as possible.  Hewlett-Packard Company will
not be liable for any consequences to any customer resulting
from customer's failure to fully implement instructions in this
Security Bulletin as soon as possible.


PROBLEM: Potential buffer overflows in DNS resolver libraries.

 **REVISED 05**
PLATFORM: HP9000 Series 700/800 running HP-UX releases 11.00 and
          11.11 (11i) with products using DNS resolver libraries,
          including, but not limited to, BINDv920.INETSVCS-BIND,
          Bind-8.1.2. and libnss_dns.
          HP9000 Series 700/800 running HP-UX release 10.20

DAMAGE: Potential unauthorized access, denial of service.

SOLUTION: Until a product upgrade is available, download and
          install the preliminary fix, BIND920ver3.depot.
          Download and install the preliminary versions of
          the applicable patch.

                Install BIND920ver3.depot.
                Install upgrade_bind812_v4.depot on 11.00.
                Install preliminary patch.
- -->>            Relink statically linked programs calling the
- -->>            DNS API on 10.20.

AVAILABILITY:  The depot is available now.
               The preliminary patches are available only
               from the ftp site (below) at this time.
               This bulletin will be will be updated when a
               product upgrade is available. This bulletin
               will also be updated when solutions for
               other vulnerable products are available.

CHANGE SUMMARY: Rev.01 -  Added Bind-8.1.2. and libnss_dns
                Rev.02 -  A patch was incorrectly listed,
                          PHNE_27647.depot is the correct number.
                          New version available, BIND920ver3.depot.
                Rev.03 -  Added Bind-4.9.7 information for 11.00.
                Rev.04 -  Added Bind-4.9.7 information for 10.20.
                Rev.05 -  Added libc information for 10.20.

 **REVISED 05**
 A. Background
    CERT advisory CA-2002-19 reports a buffer overflow
    vulnerability which may affect products on HP-UX release
    11.00 and release 11.11 (11i).  The vulnerable products
    include BINDv920.INETSVCS-BIND.  This bulletin will be
    updated when solutions for other vulnerable products are
    Bind-8.1.2 is vulnerable.
    The libnss_dns.1 library is vulnerable.
    Bind-4.9.7 is vulnerable.
- -->>HP-UX 10.20 programs calling the DNS API are vulnerable.

 B. Recommended solution

     The following preliminary fixes are available:

**REVISED 05**
      HP-UX 10.20

       PHNE_27762.depot s700_800 10.20 Bind 4.9.7 components
- -->>   PHCO_26152.depot s700_800 10.20 libc

      HP-UX 11.00

       upgrade_bind812_v4.depot for 11.00
       PHNE_27748.depot s700_800 11.00 Bind 4.9.7 components
       PHNE_27646.depot s700_800 11.00 libnss_dns

      HP-UX 11.11

       BIND920ver3.depot for 11.11
       PHNE_25140.depot s700_800 11.11 Bind-8.1.2 patch
       PHNE_27647.depot s700_800 11.11 libnss_dns

     Note: BIND920ver3.depot also corrects potential problems
           reported in CERT advisory CA-2002-23.

    I. Until a product upgrade is available, download and install
       the BIND920ver3.depot.

      1. Download BIND920ver3.depot.gz from the ftp site.
         This file is temporary and will be deleted when a
         product upgrade is available from itrc.hp.com.

        System:    hprc.external.hp.com  (
        Login:     bind
        Password:  bind1

        FTP Access: ftp://bind:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
                or: ftp://bind:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
        file: BIND920ver3.depot.gz

        Note: There is an ftp defect in IE5 that may result in
               a browser hang.  To work around this:
        - Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced
        - Un-check the option: [ ] Enable folder view for FTP sites

      2. Copy the BIND920ver3.depot.gz file to a protected
         directory and unpack it.
         If you wish to verify the md5 sum please refer to:

               Patch sums and the MD5 program

          The md5 sum for BIND920ver3.depot is:

      MD5 (BIND920ver3.depot) = 0108336cd2d84adf71eafbbe8e133c36

          The cksum output is:

      251480612 20725760 BIND920ver3.depot

      3. Install BIND920ver3.depot using swinstall.

    II. Until a product upgrade is available, download and install
        the upgrade_bind812_v4.depot for 11.00.  The instructions
        for BIND920ver3.depot above apply.

            file: upgrade_bind812_v4.depot.gz

            MD5 (upgrade_bind812_v4.depot) =

            cksum upgrade_bind812_v4.depot
            330647597 1116160 upgrade_bind812_v4.depot

      III. Download and install the appropriate preliminary patch
           from the ftp site listed above:

 **REVISED 05**
      PHNE_27762.depot s700_800 10.20 Bind 4.9.7 components
- -->>  PHCO_26152.depot s700_800 10.20 libc patch
      PHNE_27646.depot s700_800 11.00 libnss_dns DNS backend patch
      PHNE_27748.depot s700_800 11.00 Bind 4.9.7 components
      PHNE_27647.depot s700_800 11.11 libnss_dns DNS backend patch
      PHNE_25140.depot s700_800 11.11 Bind-8.1.2 patch

     MD5 (PHNE_27762.depot) = 8e30ef19ed590f2554e1c373a189cd99
     cksum 1419159559 696320 PHNE_27762.depot

- -->> MD5 (PHCO_26152.depot) = fbd411fb4ca5f392722415868ee8b6cb
- -->> cksum 2238979170 9676800 PHCO_26152.depot

     MD5 (PHNE_27646.depot) = f15f7f0dd5098b55df363007197b9fcb
     cksum 891782754 61440 PHNE_27646.depot

     MD5 (PHNE_27748.depot) = d71c42cba7af8b8dcf6301dee003ec9c
     3120592593 675840 PHNE_27748.depot

     MD5 (PHNE_27647.depot) = e110ecb2a69bd3b669f993c552e80c0c
     cksum 2185197379 102400 PHNE_27647.depot

     MD5 (PHNE_25140.depot) = 9c729b48c146dd636941b5a6a2e65ae1
     cksum 1959995259 655360 PHNE_25140.depot

- -->> Note: On 10.20 the DNS API is contained in libc.  Programs
- -->>       which make DNS calls and are linked with libc.a
- -->>       must be relinked.  So far as is known HP delivers
- -->>       no such programs.
- -->>       Programs which are linked with ".a" libraries
- -->>        are statically linked.
- -->>       Statically linked programs may be tested as follows:
- -->>
- -->>    strings suspect_program | grep "Too many addresses (%d)"
- -->>
- -->>       If the program contains the string it may make
- -->>       DNS API calls and should be relinked with the
- -->>       fixed version of libc.a.

 C. To subscribe to automatically receive future NEW HP Security
    Bulletins from the HP IT Resource Center via electronic
    mail, do the following:

    Use your browser to get to the HP IT Resource Center page


    Use the 'Login' tab at the left side of the screen to login
    using your ID and password.  Use your existing login or the
    "Register" button at the left to create a login, in order to
    gain access to many areas of the ITRC.  Remember to save the
    User ID assigned to you, and your password.

    In the left most frame select "Maintenance and Support".

    Under the "Notifications" section (near the bottom of
    the page), select "Support Information Digests".

    To -subscribe- to future HP Security Bulletins or other
    Technical Digests, click the check box (in the left column)
    for the appropriate digest and then click the "Update
    Subscriptions" button at the bottom of the page.


    To -review- bulletins already released, select the link
    (in the middle column) for the appropriate digest.

    To -gain access- to the Security Patch Matrix, select
    the link for "The Security Bulletins Archive".  (near the
    bottom of the page)  Once in the archive the third link is
    to the current Security Patch Matrix. Updated daily, this
    matrix categorizes security patches by platform/OS release,
    and by bulletin topic.  Security Patch Check completely
    automates the process of reviewing the patch matrix for
    11.XX systems.

    For information on the Security Patch Check tool, see:

    The security patch matrix is also available via anonymous


    On the "Support Information Digest Main" page:
    click on the "HP Security Bulletin Archive".

 D. To report new security vulnerabilities, send email to


    Please encrypt any exploit information using the
    security-alert PGP key, available from your local key
    server, or by sending a message with a -subject- (not body)
    of 'get key' (no quotes) to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Permission is granted for copying and circulating this
    Bulletin to Hewlett-Packard (HP) customers (or the Internet
    community) for the purpose of alerting them to problems,
    if and only if, the Bulletin is not edited or changed in
    any way, is attributed to HP, and provided such reproduction
    and/or distribution is performed for non-commercial purposes.

    Any other use of this information is prohibited. HP is not
    liable for any misuse of this information by any third party.
- -----End of Document ID:  HPSBUX0208-209--------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For additional information or assistance, please contact the HELP Desk by
telephone or Not Protectively Marked information may be sent via EMail to:

Tel: 020 7821 1330 Ext 4511
Fax: 020 7821 1686

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIRAS wishes to acknowledge the contributions of Hewlett-Packard for the
contained in this Briefing.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This Briefing contains the information released by the original author. Some
of the information may have changed since it was released. If the vulnerability
affects you, it may be prudent to retrieve the advisory from the canonical site
to ensure that you receive the most current information concerning that problem.

Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade
name, trademark manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply
its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by UNIRAS or NISCC.  The views
and opinions of authors expressed within this notice shall not be used for
advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Neither UNIRAS or NISCC shall also accept responsibility for any errors
or omissions contained within this briefing notice. In particular, they shall
not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, arising from or in connection
with the usage of information contained within this notice.

UNIRAS is a member of the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)
and has contacts with other international Incident Response Teams (IRTs) in
order to foster cooperation and coordination in incident prevention, to prompt
rapid reaction to incidents, and to promote information sharing amongst its
members and the community at large.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<End of UNIRAS Briefing>
Version: PGP 7.0.4


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