Dear All,

The web site has been on hold for a very long time as I could not afford
the bandwidth anymore. Luckily, I have final managed to get a secure
server to host the site and mailing list(s) and about a month ago I
redesigned the site with a friend of mine to make it more user-friendly
and easier to navigate (as the site has more than 4000 html pages and I
can easily double that with the amount of new material I have been
saving on my hard drive).

Unfortunately, both of us are not web designer (I did war studies and my
friend did biomedical science), hence we encountered some design
problems which we could not fix. As I have been footing the bill for the
site over the last three years out of my non existent resources, I
cannot afford to a hire a professional web designer who could fix our
design problems. Hence, I was wondering whether someone on the list
might be a web designer or would know a web designer who could give us
hand with the design problems.

The design problems are:

a) Several pop navigation menus on top of the page which work in
Internet Explorer and Netscape are needed. I designed one which did not
work and spent several hours looking for codes, but unfortunately
without any success.

(There should be a pop up menu below Categories - Infocon - Reviews -
Forums - News - Mailing Lists - Links - About IWS) 

A mock up with one pop menu can be seen @ 

b) The top navigation bar looks good in IE, but unfortunately when it is
viewed in the Netscape browser, the images of the navigation bar (Home -
... - Sitemap) are not in line with the background graphic. This needs
to be fixed.

It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help us out as it will
enable us to roll out the new site and restart the Infocon mailing list
and launch the new mailing lists (IA/InfoSec, Cyber Arms Control, CNO

And so for once: 'ask not what the site can do for you--ask what you can
do for the site'.

Thank you.


'Information is the currency of victory on the battlefield.'
GEN Gordon Sullivan, CSA (1993)

Wanja Eric Naef
Principal Researcher
IWS - The Information Warfare Site

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