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> From: Chris 
> Date: February 9, 2012 11:10:13 AM EST
> Subject: Lamar Smith fact checked on SOPA
> From one of the newspapers in his own backyard.
> Lamar Smith says online piracy and counterfeiting costs the U.S. economy $100 
> billion a year
> Share this story:
> U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, declared in an opinion column on 
> "The growing number of foreign websites that offer counterfeit or 
> stolen goods continues to threaten American technology, products and jobs."
> His Jan. 20, 2012, post continues: "Illegal counterfeiting and piracy costs 
> the U.S. economy $100 billion and thousands of jobs every year. Congress 
> cannot stand by and do nothing while some of America's most profitable and 
> productive industries are under attack."
> Say what costs that much? A reader asked.
> Smith’s $100 billion statement has weaknesses, we learned, partly because 
> estimates of the impact of online vending of counterfeit or pirated (as in 
> stolen) software, movies, recordings and other rip-off products ranging from 
> handbags to shoes are hard to corral.
> We’ll dip into Smith’s backup after some background.
> Smith is a chief sponsor of the stalled Stop Online Piracy Act, which he 
> described in a November 2011 Austin American-Statesman oped column as an 
> attempt to rein in "a vast virtual market online run by criminals who steal 
> and sell America's intellectual property and keep the profits for themselves."
> "Movies and music are not the only stolen products that are offered by rogue 
> sites," Smith’s column says. "Counterfeit medicine, automotive parts and even 
> baby food are a big part of the counterfeiting business and pose a serious 
> threat to the health of American consumers."
> Smith’s November column says too that the act is intended to target such 
> illegal activity by permitting the attorney general to seek an injunction 
> against a foreign website dedicated to it.
> Congressional action on Smith’s proposal, and a Senate approach pitched as 
> protecting intellectual property, stalled out in the wake of a public outcry 
> in January.
> Now let’s get back to Smith’s claim that counterfeiting and piracy costs the 
> U.S. economy $100 billion a year.
> His spokeswoman, Sally-Shannon Birkel, told us Smith’s figure originated in a 
> February 2011 reportcommissioned by the France-based Business Action to Stop 
> Counterfeiting and Piracy, an initiative of the International Chamber of 
> Commerce, whose declared mission is to promote trade and investment, open 
> markets and the free flow of capital.
> The report says: "We find that the U.S. consumption-based share of 
> counterfeit and pirated goods is between $66 billion and $100 billion (based 
> on 2008 data)." So that’s the origin of Smith’s $100 billion figure. It’s the 
> high-end part of this finding.
> Globally, the same report says, such goods had a 2008 value of up to $650 
> billion.
> But Smith’s statement refers to how much counterfeiting and online piracy 
> costs the U.S. economy.  Is the country’s "consumption-based share" of such 
> goods -- which the report calls relevant to U.S. businesses -- the same as 
> their cost to the economy?
> It’s unlikely. A portion of the report pointed out to us by Sanjay Jain, a 
> Texas A&M University professor of marketing, states that the "study has not 
> attempted to estimate business losses associated with counterfeiting and 
> piracy. This is primarily because the likely variations and other 
> difficulties associated with estimating substitution effects across 
> substantially different countries and industries introduces an additional 
> level/degree of variables which could undermine our aim to as accurately as 
> possible characterize the magnitude of counterfeiting and piracy."
> After presenting the $66 billion to $100 billion range, the report says this 
> represents "international trade in counterfeit and pirated goods, 
> domestically produced and consumed goods and digitally pirated products." 
> Broken down, the report says, this includes consumption of $45 billion to $60 
> billion of internationally traded counterfeit and pirated products, $12 
> billion to $14 billion in domestically produced counterfeit products and 
> between $9 billion and $25 billion in digitally pirated products.
> Jain and Julian Sanchez, a fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute who has 
> urged skepticism about cost estimates for online piracy, each pointed out to 
> us that the presented range questionably assumes that any pirated product 
> would otherwise be purchased at its retail price by the person who obtained 
> it. That’s not always or even often so, they said.
> Broadly speaking, Jain said, he has seen no convincing studies on the costs 
> of piracy and counterfeiting to the American economy — unsurprisingly so, he 
> said,  because it’s not an easy problem. "I don’t know the right number," he 
> said.
> Sanchez, who told us he considers Smith’s proposal a "bad bill," raised 
> another issue, saying by email that most of the pirated and counterfeited 
> products included in the its $66 billion to $100 billion range have nothing 
> to do with online piracy targeted by Smith’s act.
> "People were manufacturing fake Nikes long before the Internet became a mass 
> medium," Sanchez wrote, "so while it might be an interesting factoid to know 
> the size of that market, it’s a red herring if we’re talking about a ‘Stop 
> Online Piracy Act.’"
> This "whole debate," Sanchez said, "has tended to lump together 
> ‘counterfeiting’ (trademark infringement, usually involving physical goods) 
> and ‘piracy’ (copyright infringement, encompassing both physical media sales 
> and online digital transfers). From a policy perspective, this is misleading, 
> if not outright deceptive. Whatever amount is spent globally on fake Nikes 
> imported in bulk by retailers, it has very little to do with the debate over 
> policy aimed at shutting down cyberlockers to reduce illicit downloads by 
> individual consumers.  You might as well cite an estimate of the total 
> economic cost of ‘crime.’ "
> The debate aside, we asked Jeffrey Hardy, director of the international 
> chamber’s initiative, if its report’s $66 billion to $100 billion estimate 
> for the United States’ "consumption-based share" for counterfeit and pirated 
> goods is the same as the economic impact of such activities on the country’s 
> economy.
> It’s not, Hardy said, though he said the cost to the economy would be a 
> percentage of the $66 billion to $100 billion "share." He also stressed that 
> the report’s figures reflected the situation in 2008 and costs have increased 
> since then. His speculation: "We may already be to $166 billion" for the U.S. 
> share of consumed counterfeit and pirated goods, which could even turn out to 
> be the current annual cost to the economy.
> Hardy also confirmed that the range presented in the report is tied to the 
> retail value of goods though, he agreed, it’s incorrect to assume that in all 
> cases someone who purchases a pirated or counterfeit good would otherwise buy 
> the product at market cost.
> All told, Hardy acknowledged, there was no way to pinpoint costs to the 
> economy. The main point was to show that counterfeiting and digital piracy 
> are big problems. "There is a balance between overhyping or overcooking the 
> pie … and trying to present the fact that the magnitudes are enormous and 
> getting bigger, especially on the digital side of things," Hardy said. "It’s 
> a very complicated process when there’s not a lot of information and (there 
> is) a lot of educated guesses. That’s what economists do." Hardy said the 
> international chamber has taken no position on SOPA.
> Separately, Sanchez said he agrees with an April 2010 report by the U.S. 
> Government Accountability Office, which states that while counterfeiting and 
> online piracy may pose sizeable negative economic effects, they are hard to 
> quantify.
> A GAO summary of the report, "Intellectual Property, Observations on Efforts 
> to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods," says: 
> "Generally, the illicit nature of counterfeiting and piracy makes estimating 
> the economic impact of (intellectual property) infringements extremely 
> difficult, so assumptions must be used to offset the lack of data. Efforts to 
> estimate losses involve assumptions such as the rate at which consumers would 
> substitute counterfeit for legitimate products, which can have enormous 
> impacts on the resulting estimates. Because of the significant differences in 
> types of counterfeited and pirated goods and industries involved, no single 
> method can be used to develop estimates. Each method has limitations, and 
> most experts observed that it is difficult, if not impossible, to quantify 
> the economy-wide impacts."
> After we summarized much of this research, Smith objected to Sanchez as an 
> expert, saying in an email that  because Sanchez is opposed to the 
> anti-online-piracy act, he "cannot provide an objective or unbiased 
> analysis." He stood by his statement, telling us: "Since the U.S. is 
> the largest producer of (intellectual property) that is consumed around the 
> world, one can surmise that a significant amount of that total value is taken 
> from the U.S. economy."
> Our ruling
> Smith’s statement draws on a high-end estimate also based on flawed 
> assumptions for the U.S. "consumption-based share of counterfeit and pirated 
> goods" in 2008. The cited $100 billion figure doesn’t reflect the costs to 
> the economy, contrary to Smith’s claim; the 2011 study did not assess such 
> costs, which are understandably slippery.
> Maybe there is no solid estimate of the cost to the economy. Smith’s 
> statement rates False.

Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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