Senator Wyden Puts Hold On Intelligence Authorization Act Over Free Speech 

from the good-for-him dept

Once again, Senator Ron Wyden seems like one of a very small number of people 
in Congress actually willing to stand up against bad bills that are pushed 
forward with fear mongering. Earlier this year, we noted just how absolutely 
ridiculous it was that Senator Dianne Feinstein seemed a hell of a lot more 
concerned about punishing whoever blew the whistle on questionable US 
activities like Stuxnet, then about the questionable activities themselves. In 
response, she put forth some legislation that was designed to punish government 
whistleblowers, rather than understand why they were blowing the whistle. This 
bill got dumped into a key appropriations bill, the Intelligence Authorization 
Act for Fiscal Year 2013. In other words, Feinstein basically said that if we 
are to fund intelligence activities we have to crack down on whistleblowers. 
Shameful stuff. 

Thankfully, Senator Wyden has now put a hold on the bill, noting his concern 
about how it would impact free speech issues, especially as it pertained to the 
media reporting on national security:

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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