Hacked networks will need to be burned ‘down to the ground’

The Associated Press
December 19, 2020, 2:40 AM


It’s going to take months to kick elite hackers widely believed to be Russian 
out of the U.S. government networks they have been quietly rifling through 
since as far back as March in Washington’s worst cyberespionage failure on 

Experts say there simply are not enough skilled threat-hunting teams to duly 
identify all the government and private-sector systems that may have been 
hacked. FireEye, the cybersecurity company that discovered the intrusion into 
U.S. agencies and was among the victims, has already tallied dozens of 
casualties. It’s racing to identify more.

“We have a serious problem. We don’t know what networks they are in, how deep 
they are, what access they have, what tools they left,” said Bruce Schneier, a 
prominent security expert and Harvard fellow.

It’s not clear exactly what the hackers were seeking, but experts say it could 
include nuclear secrets, blueprints for advanced weaponry, COVID-19 
vaccine-related research and information for dossiers on key government and 
industry leaders.

Many federal workers — and others in the private sector — must presume that 
unclassified networks are teeming with spies. Agencies will be more inclined to 
conduct sensitive government business on Signal, WhatsApp and other encrypted 
smartphone apps.

“We should buckle up. This will be a long ride,” said Dmitri Alperovitch, 
co-founder and former chief technical officer of the leading cybersecurity firm 
CrowdStrike. “Cleanup is just phase one.”

The only way to be sure a network is clean is “to burn it down to the ground 
and rebuild it,” Schneier said.

Imagine a computer network as a mansion you inhabit, and you are certain a 
serial killer as been there. “You don’t know if he’s gone. How do you get work 
done? You kind of just hope for the best,” he said.

Deputy White House press secretary Brian Morgenstern told reporters Friday that 
national security adviser Robert O’Brien has sometimes been leading multiple 
daily meetings with the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the 
intelligence community, looking for ways to mitigate the hack.

He would not provide details, “but rest assured we have the best and brightest 
working hard on it each and every single day.”

The Democratic chairs of four House committees given classified briefings on 
the hack by the Trump administration issued a statement complaining that they 
“were left with more questions than answers.”

“Administration officials were unwilling to share the full scope of the breach 
and identities of the victims,” they said.

Morgenstern said earlier that disclosing such details only helps U.S. 
adversaries. President Donald Trump has not commented publicly on the matter, 
but Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on a conservative talk show Friday, “I 
think it’s the case that now we can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians 
that engaged in this activity.”

What makes this hacking campaign so extraordinary is its scale — 18,000 
organizations were infected from March to June by malicious code that 
piggybacked on popular network-management software from an Austin, Texas, 
company called SolarWinds.

Only a sliver of those infections were activated to allow hackers inside. 
FireEye says it has identified dozens of examples, all “high-value targets.” 
Microsoft, which has helped respond, says it has identified more than 40 
government agencies, think tanks, government contractors, non-governmental 
organizations and technology companies infiltrated by the hackers, 75% in the 
United States.

Florida became the first state to acknowledge falling victim to a SolarWinds 
hack. Officials told The Associated Press on Friday that hackers apparently 
infiltrated the state’s health care administration agency and others.

SolarWinds’ customers include most Fortune 500 companies, and it’s U.S. 
government clients are rich with generals and spymasters.

The difficulty of extracting the suspected Russian hackers’ tool kits is 
exacerbated by the complexity of SolarWinds’ platform, which has dozen of 
different components.

“This is like doing heart surgery, to pull this out of a lot of environments,” 
said Edward Amoroso, CEO of TAG Cyber.

Security teams then have to assume that the patient is still sick with 
undetected so-called “secondary infections” and set up the cyber equivalent of 
closed-circuit monitoring to make sure the intruders are not still around, 
sneaking out internal emails and other sensitive data.

That effort will take months, Alperovitch said.

If the hackers are indeed from Russia’s SVR foreign intelligence agency, as 
experts believe, their resistance may be tenacious. When they hacked the White 
House, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the State Department in 2014 and 2015 “it 
was a nightmare to get them out,” Alperovitch said.

“It was the virtual equivalent of hand-to-hand combat” as defenders sought to 
keep their footholds, “to stay buried deep inside” and move to other parts of 
the network where “they thought that they could remain for longer periods of 

“We’re likely going to face the same in this situation as well,” he added.

FireEye executive Charles Carmakal said the intruders are especially skilled at 
camouflaging their movements. Their software effectively does what a military 
spy often does in wartime — hide among the local population, then sneak out at 
night and strike.

“It’s really hard to catch some of these,” he said.

Rob Knake, the White House cybersecurity director from 2011 to 2015, said the 
harm to the most critical agencies in the U.S. government — defense and 
intelligence, chiefly — from the SolarWinds hacking campaign is going to be 
limited “as long as there is no evidence that the Russians breached classified 

During the 2014-15 hack, “we lost access to unclassified networks but were able 
to move all operations to classified networks with minimal disruptions,” he 
said via email.

The Pentagon has said it has so far not detected any intrusions from the 
SolarWinds campaign in any of its networks — classified or unclassified.

Given the fierce tenor of cyberespionage — the U.S., Russia and China all have 
formidable offensive hacking teams and have been penetrating each others’ 
government networks for years — many American officials are wary of putting 
anything sensitive on government networks.

Fiona Hill, the top Russia expert at the National Security Council during much 
of the Trump administration, said she always presumed no government system was 
secure. She “tried from the beginning not to put anything down” in writing that 
was sensitive.

“But that makes it more difficult to do business.”

Amoroso, of TAG Cyber, recalled the famous pre-election dispute in 2016 over 
classified emails sent over a private server set up by Democratic presidential 
candidate Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state. Clinton was 
investigated by the FBI in the matter, but no charges were brought.

“I used to make the joke that the reason the Russians didn’t have Hillary 
Clinton’s email is because she took it off the official State Department 
network,” Amoroso said.


Associated Press writers Matthew Lee in Washington and Bobby Caina Calvan in 
Tallahassee, Florida, contributed to this report.

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