(Of course during a major cyber-crisis is the *perfect* time to float this 
idea....or is there another reason?  --rick)

Trump Officials Deliver Plan to Split Up Cyber Command, NSA

By Katie Bo Williams Senior National Security Correspondent


December 19, 2020 05:38 PM ET

Trump administration officials at the Pentagon late this week delivered to the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff a proposal to split up the leadership of the National 
Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command. It is the latest push to dramatically 
reshape defense policy advanced by a handful of key political officials who 
were installed in acting roles in the Pentagon after Donald Trump lost his 
re-election bid.

A U.S. official confirmed on Saturday that Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark 
Milley — who along with Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller must certify that 
the move meets certain standards laid out by Congress in 2016 — received the 
proposal in the last few days.

With Miller expected to sign off on the move, the fate of the proposal 
ultimately falls to Milley, who told Congress in 2019 that the dual-hat 
leadership structure was working and should be maintained. 

Military officials have watched warily as Miller, his chief of staff Kash 
Patel, and Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra 
Cohen-Watnick — all installed since Election Day — have sought significant 
policy changes with just over a month remaining in office. Recent outgoing 
administrations have declined to push through major changes during the 
transition period. 

The post of NSA director and CYBERCOM commander are held by one person — 
currently, Gen. Paul Nakasone — in a "dual-hat" arrangement. For years, 
cybersecurity and national security policy leaders have debated how and when to 
split that job into two positions. The Trump administration’s proposal, if 
approved, “would mark a significant shift in policy, and without the proper 
analysis and certification would run contrary to law,” a House Democratic aide 
said Saturday, calling the potential change “severe.” 

The Cyber Command proposal also comes as the United States is grappling with a 
massive cyberattack on at least a half-dozen federal agencies. Investigators 
are still working to understand what data may have been taken or compromised. 
Although Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has publicly linked the attack to 
Russia, Trump on Saturday attempted to downplay the attack and attribute it to 

The move may be a signal that Trump might remove Nakasone as the leader of one 
or either agency amid frustration over the handling of the recent cyberattack, 
according to some officials speaking on the condition of anonymity because they 
were not authorized to speak publicly. 

An administration official defended the recent spate of changes during the 

“Miller is looking to set the department and force up for success in the 
future,” that person said. “‘Do no harm’ is his motto. He’s here for a short 
time and isn’t afraid to tackle the issues that would leave a typical secretary 
open to more baggage over the longer term.”

Col. Dave Butler, a spokesman for Milley, said Saturday that the chairman has 
not officially reviewed or endorsed the proposed split. Until now, Milley has 
managed to maintain both his job and a public image of independence from the 
White House. But if he does buck the effort, it could put the chairman in a 
fragile position with Trump, who has dismissed multiple cabinet-level national 
security officials since his loss at the polls, including Defense Secretary 
Mark Esper.

While the abrupt timing of the proposal to split up the NSA-CYBERCOM leadership 
structure is unusual, the debate over the policy decision itself is hardly new. 
Supporters of the split argue that Cyber Command, created in 2009, is able to 
stand on its own without NSA and is sucking needed resources away from the 
intelligence agency. Critics of the move argue that Cyber Command isn’t yet 
ready to stand on its own, and that the relationship between the agency and the 
command is symbiotic. 

“NSA and CYBERCOM are uniquely intertwined and share many of the same 
resources,” Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., the chairman of the House Armed Services 
Committee, wrote in a letter to Milley and Miller protesting the proposed move 
that was released Saturday. “Any action to sever the dual-hat relationship 
could have grave impacts on our national security, especially during a time 
that the country is wrestling with what may be the most damaging cyber-attack 
in our country’s history.”

The Democratic House aide said that the House Armed Services Committee “became 
aware” of the plans this week. 

It has long been accepted that Cyber Command and the National Security Agency 
will eventually separate. They operate out of Fort Meade, in Maryland, under 
separate legal authorities and are responsible for distinct missions. The NSA 
is responsible for signals intelligence collection — seen by many as the crown 
jewels of U.S. intelligence gathering — while Cyber Command is responsible for 
conducting military operations. Initially, placing the nascent Cyber Command 
under the same command as the NSA made sense because of the technical 
similarities of the two missions. 

But as Cyber Command matured and rumors of the split began to circulate during 
the Obama administration, lawmakers laid out a series of recently-updated 
conditions in the annual 2017 defense policy bill that senior Pentagon leaders 
would have to  certify have been met in order to carry it out. At their 
simplest, they require both the Joint Chiefs chairman and the defense secretary 
to certify that neither organization will be harmed by the split. That includes 
determinations that Cyber Command has the tools it needed to do its job, and 
that NSA and Cyber Command have “robust command and control systems and 
processes...for planning, deconflicting, and executing military cyber 

Supporters of the split argue that keeping the two organizations under the 
dual-hat arrangement creates inefficiencies. 

“The missions of NSA and Cyber Command will continue to compete for priority 
and advocacy under the dual hat,” Andrew Schoka, an active duty Army cyber 
operations officer assigned to Cyber Command, wrote in War on the Rocks in 

Should Milley and Miller make the necessary certifications to Congress, the 
practical implications of the move will be neither immediate nor irreversible. 

“If anything, I’d imagine a direction of a breakup but with an implementation 
period of six to twelve months,” the administration official said. “Leaves 
space to reverse it but puts a marker down for CYBERCOM to get off the NSA 
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