> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Mark 
> Opinion: Huge cyberattack shows it’s time to fix our failing cybersecurity 
> infrastructure
> We live in an age of asymmetric cyber warfare where even small teams of 
> attackers have an advantage over large and well-funded defenders.
> Patrick Walsh
> 2:55 AM MST on Jan 16, 2021
> https://coloradosun.com/2021/01/16/cybersecurity-opinion/ 
> <https://coloradosun.com/2021/01/16/cybersecurity-opinion/>
> The recent cyberattacks on the U.S. government and select companies that 
> security agencies say is “likely Russian in origin” should be ringing alarm 
> bells across the capital and across the nation. By compromising a software 
> vendor and manipulating their updates, hackers infiltrated the sensitive 
> networks of many of our institutions.
> Now I fear we’ll repeat our past mistakes by focusing all of our attention on 
> how the attackers got in rather than focusing on what they were able to do 
> once they got there. 
> The number of ways to get through the perimeter defenses is large. In a 
> system as large as the U.S. government, there are an incalculable number of 
> ways that an attacker could potentially get in. That’s because of the 
> complexity of these systems and the amount of software and people involved. 
> Patrick Walsh
> Inevitably some of that software will have bugs and some of those bugs will 
> be exploitable by hackers. And some of those people may be compromised as 
> well.
> The real problem here isn’t the security issue of the day, it’s the mindset 
> we bring to the problem. We’re thinking about our cyber defense using 
> outdated castle-wall analogies. We imagine we can keep the attackers outside 
> the wall and keep our sensitive belongings safe inside it.
> What if instead of imagining impregnable walls we instead assume the enemy is 
> already within? 
> In this instance and almost every major hack that makes the news, we learn 
> that the delay in detection was on the order of months. Given the likelihood 
> of an undetected breach, the question we need to ask ourselves is this: How 
> do we protect our data if our networks are already compromised?
> To me, the answer is clear: We must secure the data using modern encryption 
> techniques. Our focus must be to make it so the breach of a running machine 
> doesn’t equate to the compromise of the data on that machine.
> READ: Colorado Sun opinion columnists.
> For most systems, it’s the confidential data we’re trying to protect.  Sure 
> there are other concerns, such as the integrity of critical infrastructure 
> like power plants to consider as well.  
> In all of these cases, strong cryptography that ties to identity and links 
> with provable access controls is the best answer available today.
> I’ve spent years thinking about how we should retool our approach to 
> cybersecurity. I’ve concluded that the only way to do this effectively and 
> comprehensively is to start with the building of our software and systems. 
> But this creates a problem because most of what we do today is tethered to a 
> world of legacy software and systems that can’t easily be rebuilt.
> I co-founded a company that is focused on solving this problem by giving 
> software developers the tools they need to build modern applications with 
> data security at their heart. By making it easier to build software this way, 
> we hope to bend the industry towards a future where attackers don’t have such 
> an overwhelming advantage over defenders.
> But what if we could bring this sort of change about more quickly? At the 
> current pace, it will be decades before our critical infrastructure is 
> retooled with a secure base that protects the data. We’re fighting 
> institutional lethargy, entrenched patterns for building software systems, 
> and the lack of forcing functions that would make the needed changes a 
> priority.
> This impacts all of us. When major engines of our government are breached or 
> when large corporations cough up data, it’s more often than not, our data. 
> The data of citizens and consumers. And it happens over and over and over 
> again. 
> Our lawmakers could force the change, but they meet this news with shrugs of 
> the shoulders. For many of them, this is well outside of their core 
> competency and so they hope the free market will solve its own problems. But 
> the market is not meaningfully penalized for losing data nor rewarded for 
> protecting it.  
> As with everything else that matters from energy to agriculture, the free 
> market must be nudged to create the proper economic incentives for the good 
> of society.
> We need a combination of incentives starting with penalties in the form of 
> more meaningful liability when people’s personal data is compromised as is 
> now the case under California’s Consumer Privacy Act. 
> We need to reward companies that build data-protection-first systems by, for 
> example, giving those systems preference in procurement processes where a 
> contract for software that considers two systems with similar functionality 
> goes to the system with the stronger data controls.
> And we need to allocate funds to reshape or replace legacy software with 
> modern, secure by design systems so these old systems don’t continue to hold 
> back the change we need.
> We live in an age of asymmetric cyber warfare where even small and dedicated 
> teams of attackers have an advantage over large and well-funded defenders. 
> It’s time to reshape the landscape. And we need our politicians to help lead 
> this change.
> Patrick Walsh of Boulder, a veteran tech executive, is CEO of data-security 
> company IronCore Labs.

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