Biden selects Slaughter as acting chair of Federal Trade Commission, 
Rosenworcel as acting chair of Federal Communications Commission

(Alex Brandon/AP)
Tony Romm
Jan. 21, 2021 at 3:11 p.m. EST
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President Biden on Thursday appointed Rebecca Kelly Slaughter as acting 
chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission, a move that positions the 
Washington watchdog agency to take on a more aggressive role in policing 
Facebook, Google and other tech giants in Silicon Valley.

Biden also designated Jessica Rosenworcel to serve as the acting chairwoman of 
the Federal Communications Commission. Rosenworcel is a fervent supporter of 
net neutrality and has called on the FCC for years to put its muscle behind a 
massive effort to build out broadband to the country’s most unserved 

The two appointments reflect the tectonic political shift underway in 
Washington as Democrats, newly in charge of the White House and Congress, 
prepare to roll back a slew of deregulatory actions implemented under President 
Donald Trump. Biden and his congressional counterparts over the past year have 
teased an ambitious digital agenda, promising to rein in Silicon Valley, 
rethink the legal protections afforded to tech giants and expand internet 
access nationwide.

But Slaughter and Rosenworcel still may face early obstacles at their 
respective commissions. New vacancies at the FTC and FCC may leave it 
deadlocked at two Democrats and two Republicans. The stalemate will not totally 
trap the agencies in policy paralysis, but it still may set back some of their 
most ambitious plans until Biden nominates additional Democrats and the party’s 
razor-thin majority in the Senate can confirm them. Biden also must decide 
whether to name Slaughter and Rosenworcel as permanent chairs.

Slaughter takes the reins at the FTC after serving as a Democratic commissioner 
since 2018. She stands to inherit an agency that in recent years has issued 
record-breaking penalties against tech companies for jeopardizing their users’ 
privacy — and that last month sued Facebook for allegedly violating federal 
antitrust laws.

In those and other cases, Slaughter has supported enforcement even as she has 
joined the FTC’s fiercest critics in saying the commission should have acted 
more swiftly, and decisively, to penalize the tech industry  for its missteps. 
She has called on the watchdog agency to calibrate its punishments better so 
that harmed Web users are made whole — and companies in Silicon Valley are 
deterred from committing similar acts in the future.

“The threats to consumer privacy are growing. They impact our most vulnerable 
citizens more than most, and they demand new solutions,” Slaughter said in a 
September 2019 speech that illustrated her views about the agency’s 
responsibility to penalize wrongdoers. “My hope is that the ‘near future’ 
brings renewed action on this front across the board, from the FTC, Congress, 
advocates and industry, and I feel both humbled and privileged to get to take 
part in this effort.”

Privacy watchdogs said they expected Slaughter, a former top aide to now-Senate 
Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), to try to use all the powers at 
the commission’s disposal to probe the tech industry for potential wrongdoing.

“She is firmly of the belief there are things the FTC should do today that it 
is not doing today and some of their weakness is self-imposed weakness,” said 
Justin Brookman, director for consumer privacy and technology policy at 
Consumer Reports.

Millions of low-income Americans will receive Internet access rebates under new 
$7 billion broadband stimulus plan

Rosenworcel, who has served as a Democratic commissioner at the FCC for the 
past 8 years, assumes the reins at the telecom agency at a moment when the U.S. 
government is under immense pressure to ensure all Americans have quality 
internet access amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced families to 
work and learn from home for nearly a year now. She has been most vocal about 
the persistent harm wrought by the “homework gap,” or the disparity that leaves 
millions of students nationwide lacking the broadband connectivity required to 
complete their classwork on time.

“If you want evidence this is not right, it’s all around us,” Rosenworcel said 
in a statement earlier this month. “There are people sitting in parking lots 
using free Wi-Fi signals because they have no other way to get online. There 
are students who fall in the homework gap because the lack the high-speed 
service they need to participate in remote learning.”

To start, Rosenworcel must take over ongoing agency work to implement a new 
pandemic stimulus program authorized by Congress that would provide rebates to 
Americans struggling to afford internet service. Even with the FCC in deadlock, 
experts said they also expect Rosenworcel to try to release billions of dollars 
in funds to help students obtain access to Wi-Fi hot spots and other 
technologies needed to get online. The FCC under just-departed GOP Chairman 
Ajit Pai ruled that this pot of money, known as E-Rate, only is meant for 
classroom use -- a position many Democrats oppose at a time when kids are still 
learning from home as a result of the pandemic.

“She firmly believes E-Rate funding should, and can, be used to provide home 
connectivity for students for distance learning,” said Greg Guice, the director 
of government affairs for Public Knowledge.

In doing so, Rosenworcel also will face early, intense pressure to try to 
reinstate net neutrality protections, which require internet service providers 
treat all web traffic equally. Pai eliminated those rules over the objections 
of Democrats like Rosenworcel, who said at the time the agency had “failed the 
American public.”
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