Ye gods, I hope not......for high-speed data transfer (eg, backups, cloning)
this is SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER than USB.  If this report is true, WTF is Apple
thinking?   -rf

Apple to extinguish FireWire?
Intel-based iBooks to be USB 2.0 only, website claims
By Tony Smith
Published Friday 9th December 2005 11:19 GMT

Is Apple about to drop FireWire - the connectivity standard it created and
for so long fostered - from the Mac line-up?

Certainly, that's what Apple notebook-oriented website O'Grady's PowerPage
suggests, without citing specific sources. Apple has already dropped
FireWire from the latest iPods - much to the annoyance of numerous Register
readers with older, USB 1.1-equipped Macs - so it's clearly shifting its
allegiance to USB 2.0, which while technologically inferior to FireWire is
fast enough for almost all PC-peripheral connections.
Click Here

According to O'Grady, the upcoming Intel-based iBooks will lack FireWire and
x86 PowerBooks will have a single FireWire 800 port for digital video
enthusiasts and professionals to make use of. And 1394, as it's also known,
will continue in non-PC applications.

Apple pioneered the use of FireWire, for high-bandwidth peripherals like
external hard drives and digital video cameras. Ironically, the technology,
once Mac-only, has been increasingly appearing on Wintel machines, one of
the few, if not the only, Mac technology to migrate outward rather than

Still, the key advantage of FireWire - its peer-to-peer nature, meaning you
don't need a PC intermediary - has proved of limited value, especially in
the consumer space and in a world where computer companies want you to
connect kit to their machines, not directly to other devices.

Still, if Apple does start dropping FireWire ports, it will annoy numerous
Mac users whose external hard drives and older, pre-USB 2.0 iPods become
compatible no longer. But we've been here before, with Apple's original
adoption of USB over its own, ADB (Apple Desktop Bus) and serial port
interfaces, not to mention its decision to drop SCSI support for FireWire.

It's tempting to see Apple's move - if the prediction proves accurate - as a
sign of Intel's strength in the two firms' new relationship. Intel has long
wavered in its support for 1394, but always kept true to USB, and is at the
forefront of initiatives to create a wireless version of the Universal
Serial Bus. But Apple's motives may be more prosaic: why pay for 1394
connectors and controller chips when relatively few folk are using them? ®

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