Intel to Unveil New Branding Strategy

The Associated Press
Thursday, December 29, 2005; 9:42 PM

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Intel Corp. is launching a new corporate and brand
identity that will include a reworked company logo, a change in its
ubiquitous "Intel Inside" stickers and a shift away from the Pentium name
for its microprocessors.

The changes, which will be formally announced Tuesday, come as the world's
largest chip maker tries to market itself less as a chip outfit and more as
a provider of platforms, such as its Centrino technology for notebook
computers or its upcoming Viiv for entertainment PCs.

"This evolution will allow Intel to be better recognized for our
contributions, establish a stronger emotional connection with our audiences
and strengthen our overall position in the marketplace," said Eric Kim,
Intel's chief marketing officer.

In one move, the company is removing the familiar dropped "e" from its logo,
which has been little changed since the company was founded in 1968 by
Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce. And like the recently revamped AT&T Inc.
logo, the letters that make up "Intel" appear in lower case.

Intel also is simplifying the "Intel Inside" stickers that first appeared on
PCs in 1991 under then CEO-Andy Grove. But the marketing program in which
Intel subsidizes PC makers who use Intel chips and stickers will continue,
Intel spokesman Bill Calder said.

Intel, based in Santa Clara, also is announcing that its next-generation
processors for mobile computers will be called "Core" rather than "Pentium
M." Processors with a single computing engine will be known as "Core Solo,"
while chips with two engines will be called "Core Duo."

Eventually, it's expected Intel will completely retire the Pentium brand
that was introduced in 1993.

The company's logo will also include a tag line, "Leap ahead." It's "a
simple expression that declares who we are and what we do," said Kim, who
joined Intel last year from Samsung.

The shift toward platform technologies started in 2003, when Centrino
technology _ consisting of an Intel microprocessor, chipset and
communications chips tuned for wireless computing _ was launched.

In a move that's credited with raising public awareness of notebooks and
wireless networking, Intel launched an aggressive marketing campaign that
included validating Wi-Fi hot spots to ensure interoperability with
Centrino-branded systems.

Early in 2005, shortly after it was announced that Paul Otellini would take
over as the company's first CEO with a background in marketing, Intel
announced a reorganization that created five business divisions focusing on
specific markets, including enterprise, homes, mobility and health care.

In early 2006, it's expected to launch a platform called Viiv (rhymes with
"five") that will focus on the home entertainment PC market. As with
Centrino, Viiv-stickered computers will be tested for interoperability with
Viiv-branded gadgets, services and content to ensure everything plays well

Intel microprocessors also will soon be found at the core of Macintosh
computers, though it's unclear whether Apple Computer Inc. will participate
in Intel's marketing programs.
© 2005 The Associated Press

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