Firms urged to use unofficial Windows patch

By Tom Espiner

Story last modified Tue Jan 03 15:16:00 PST 2006

Experts are advising corporations to use an unofficial patch to combat the
latest Microsoft Windows Meta File exploit.

Antivirus vendor F-Secure and the Internet Storm Center, a volunteer
security group, separately urged businesses on Tuesday to use the unofficial
patch, as Microsoft has not yet offered an authorized fix for the problem.
Click for photos

Microsoft, though, has advised businesses not to use third-party updates,
even though its own patch won't be available until next Tuesday.

The WMF vulnerability can be exploited in Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and
2, as well as Windows Server 2003, security experts said.

Mikko Hypponen, director of antivirus research at F-Secure, said he believes
corporations can trust the unofficial patch, which was created by security
software developer Ilfak Guilfanov.

"This is a very unusual situation--we've never done this before. We trust
Ilfak, and we know his patch works," Hypponen said. "We've confirmed the
binary does what the source code said it does. We've installed the patch on
500 F-Secure computers, and have recommended all of our customers do the
same. The businesses who have installed the patch have said it's highly

The Internet Storm Center admitted that many businesses would be very
reluctant to deploy an unofficial patch on their systems, but insisted that
such action is needed.

"We've received many e-mails from people saying that no one in a corporate
environment will find using an unofficial patch acceptable," Tom Liston of
the Internet Storm Center said in his blog. "Acceptable or not, folks, you
have to trust someone in this situation."
Related story
Windows flaw spawns dozens of attacks
Attacks designed to exploit WMF flaw range from malicious spam to MSN
Messenger worm.

Systems administrators can also work around the problem by unregistering a
file called "shimgvw.dll".

"The very best response that our collective wisdom can create is contained
in this advice--unregister shimgvw.dll and use the unofficial patch," Liston

A Microsoft representative advised businesses to wait for a week, as the
software giant can't guarantee third-party updates will be effective.

"Microsoft recommends that customers download and deploy the security update
for the WMF vulnerability that we are targeting for release on Jan. 10,
2006. Microsoft cannot provide assurance for independent third-party
security updates," the representative said.

Security experts say the WMF exploit is potentially dangerous because
conventional antivirus software and IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
signatures do not recognize the malicious code in spam, as the exploit is
sent in seemingly normal JPEG, GIF or bitmap files.

Hackers are increasingly using a wider variety of techniques to penetrate
corporate defenses with attacks launched through different methods including
spam, IM worms, and defaced and fake Web sites. Computer users need only
visit a compromised or fake Web site to be attacked.

Click here to see Microsoft's security advisory about the WMF flaw.

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