----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden" <ewoud+ov...@kohlvanwijngaarden.nl>
> To: "Eyal Edri" <ee...@redhat.com>
> Cc: infra@ovirt.org
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 1:11:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Puppet proposal
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 03:35:22AM -0400, Eyal Edri wrote:
> > Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> > > As promised and hopefully in time for tomorrows meeting I present
> > > to
> > > you
> > > some basic puppet classes and modules to help us manage our
> > > infra. I
> > > created a github repo[1] with some very basic classes.
> > >
> > > Some things I'm unsure about:
> > > - I'm not sure if a dash ('-') is allowed in the class name. It
> > > works
> > >   but github highlights it weird.
> > > - I think publishing the public key is no problem (they're public
> > > after
> > >   all), but if something like the debian SSH fiasco[2] would
> > >   happen
> > >   again we might be at risk.
> > > - It's very basic, just ensure users exist and sudo is set up. We
> > > can
> > > do
> > >   much more, but what do we want?
> >
> > for starts we need to able to install a jenkins slave with all it's
> > deps, this means:
> >
> > 1. installing all packages for making rpms
> > (autoconf,make,gcc,python-*,etc...)
> I'll add these, but please expand python-*


best thing will be to have a new vm and try to run make rpm on it (for vdsm & 
ovirt-engine) and we'll see what's missing.
or just to check the spec files .. 

> > 2. installing the jenkins-slave deamon (for running jnlp)
> I'll look into this.

i have a deamon i've written already - attached.

> > 3. jenkins user + home dir..
> check
> > 4. openjdk-1.7.0-java-devel
> check
> > 5. selinux settings.. .
> Right now vdsm unit tests have sudo permission to call setenforce.
> Not
> what we want in the long term, but I was told the unit tests need
> this.
> > and basically every thing we stumble upon when installing a new
> > slave.
> >
> > other things might be installing system services on all vms like:
> >  - log collector
> >  - backup
> >  - cleanup
> >  - monitoring
> I think we'll add these as they come along.

Attachment: jenkins-slave
Description: application/shellscript

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