
As $subject, monday https://foreman.ovirt.org is installed. The
passwords are in the usual location. During the installation Kiril and I
used our IRC bot for a log. Most of the effort went into getting the
installation right, but with foreman we should be able to kickstart

Meeting summary
* LINK: http://ekohl.nl/kickstart is the kickstart I tend to use
  (ewoud, 18:38:11)
* ACTION: knesenko file a RH IT ticket to create foreman.ovirt.org
  (knesenko, 19:44:56)
* ACTION: knesenko file a RH IT ticket to create foreman.ovirt.org
  (knesenko, 19:45:27)
* foreman.ovirt.org installed as a basic centos 6.4  (ewoud, 19:45:54)
* added foreman.ovirt.org to its hosts file  (ewoud, 19:46:17)
* running foreman installer using default options now  (ewoud, 19:46:34)
* installing foreman from the foreman installer develop version  (ewoud,
* installed foreman  (ewoud, 20:08:09)

Meeting ended at 20:25:42 UTC.

Note that knesenko already completed his action item so you don't need
to remember an IP :)


What's next

(in alphabetical order, but no dependencies)

* Add alterway02.ovirt.org as a compute resource to foreman
* Add existing machines using puppet
* Install additional machines to reduce the load on linode01
* Start our puppet git repository (possibly host it on gerrit)
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