Minutes (text):

#ovirt: weekly infra

Meeting started by ewoud at 14:04:53 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-05-20-14.04.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Introductions  (ewoud, 14:06:13)

* Review of action items  (ewoud, 14:10:36)

* hosting  (ewoud, 14:16:40)
  * ACTION: knesenko set up something similar to
    https://apps.fedoraproject.org/ for ovirt  (ewoud, 14:20:58)
  * ACTION: knesenko check with the storage guys how we can resize the
    LV on alterway02  (ewoud, 14:41:05)
  * ACTION: dcaro ensure we can provision a VM on ovirt using foreman
    (ewoud, 14:45:08)
  * ACTION: ewoud draw up an initial puppet design proposal  (ewoud,

* puppet  (ewoud, 14:51:40)
  * ACTION: ewoud add all hosts to puppet  (ewoud, 14:58:27)

Meeting ended at 15:04:55 UTC.

Action Items
* knesenko set up something similar to https://apps.fedoraproject.org/
  for ovirt
* knesenko check with the storage guys how we can resize the LV on
* dcaro ensure we can provision a VM on ovirt using foreman
* ewoud draw up an initial puppet design proposal
* ewoud add all hosts to puppet

Action Items, by person
* dcaro
  * dcaro ensure we can provision a VM on ovirt using foreman
* ewoud
  * ewoud draw up an initial puppet design proposal
  * ewoud add all hosts to puppet
* knesenko
  * knesenko set up something similar to https://apps.fedoraproject.org/
    for ovirt
  * knesenko check with the storage guys how we can resize the LV on
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (108)
* knesenko (67)
* jmosco (37)
* dcaro (22)
* YamaKasY1 (18)
* eedri (11)
* obasan (10)
* didi (7)
* ovirtbot (5)

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