On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 05:47:58PM -0500, Nir Soffer wrote:
> Hi infra,
> Note this strange failure of pep8:
> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/vdsm_unit_tests_gerrit_el/6390/

The following failure should have been hacked by http://gerrit.ovirt.org/24602 .
Could you rebase your code?

/usr/bin/pep8 --version
/usr/bin/pep8 --exclude="config.py,constants.py" --filename '*.py,*.py.in' \
        client lib/vdsm/*.py lib/vdsm/*.py.in tests vds_bootstrap vdsm-tool 
vdsm/*.py vdsm/*.py.in vdsm/netconf vdsm/sos/vdsm.py.in vdsm/storage vdsm/vdsm 
vdsm_api vdsm_hooks vdsm_reg 
lib/vdsm/netlink.py:158:9: E123 closing bracket does not match indentation of 
opening bracket's line

> While the pep8 job succeeds:
> http://jenkins.ovirt.org/job/vdsm_master_pep8_gerrit/7174/

Kiril, would you add a `pep8 --version` call to that script, so we can tell
which version it was using?

> Can you check why this happens?
> What is the difference between vdsm_unit_tests_gerrit_el and 
> vdsm_unit_tests_gerrit?

I believe that the first runs on an el6 slave, and the latter on a Fedora.
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