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On 05/22/2014 03:24 AM, Eyal Edri wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Michael Scherer" <msche...@redhat.com> To:
>> infra@ovirt.org Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 1:12:33 PM Subject:
>> Re: Using the free space on rackspace for old releases
>> Le mercredi 21 mai 2014 à 07:40 -0700, Karsten Wade a écrit :
>>> On 05/21/2014 12:54 AM, David Caro wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> We are having some issues on linode due to space limitations,
>>>> and as we are not using the space we have on rackspace, maybe
>>>> we can move there the old releases.
>>>> That will require configuring apache on the rackspace node
>>>> that will host the files and also some configuration on
>>>> linode, but not complicated as far as I can tell.
>>>> Any objections or other ideas?
>>> Feel free to move everything over. :)
>>> Actually, why not move all of resources.ovirt.org, leaving
>>> Mailman for a separate migration to a new, different server?
>>> I'd like to decommission that VM as soon as we can.
>> So I looked around at the existing ressources. Alterway ovirt
>> cluster still has 4G of memory, so we could create 1 VM there for
>> mailman ( 1g should be enough, even if I suspect spamassassin may
>> be more confortable with more ).
>> The hosts in rackspace have a lot more free memory, so we could
>> also move the VM there.
> +1 for moving to alterway if possible (btw, we can (ab)use an
> exiting vm there also, and run it virtual host.
> i wouldn't migrate anything to rackspace other than jenkins
> stateless slaves, since we're planning to stop using that once the
> phx2 lab is up and running.


- -- 
Karsten 'quaid' Wade        .^\          CentOS Doer of Stuff
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