----- Original Message -----
> From: "Yedidyah Bar David" <d...@redhat.com>
> To: "Infra" <infra@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 8:26:43 AM
> Subject: stopping/aborting obsolete jenkins jobs
> Hi,
> It happened to me quite a lot lately, that I pushed a new patchset for a
> change,
> before jenkins finished running relevant jobs for previous patchsets, in some
> cases
> even before it started running some of them.
> Perhaps in such a case we should stop (if running) or disable/abort (if not
> yet
> running) all the jobs except for the ones running for the latest patchset?

not sure its possible, but its not something that you want to do 
(aggressive interrupt jenkins running or queue)

> This will both give quicker results for the dev/maint and lower the load on
> the
> slaves.

we are working on improving this on 2 fronts:
 1. adding more slaves 
 2. reducing job running time (findbugs is currently being optimized)

and you're welcome to join the effort of getting there next monday, on the 
infra hackathon :) [1]


> Best,
> --
> Didi
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