################### Logwatch 7.3.6 (05/19/07) #################### 
        Processing Initiated: Wed Nov 18 03:32:08 2015
        Date Range Processed: yesterday
                              ( 2015-Nov-17 )
                              Period is day.
      Detail Level of Output: 0
              Type of Output: unformatted
           Logfiles for Host: linode01.ovirt.org
 --------------------- Dovecot Begin ------------------------ 

 Dovecot disconnects:
    no auth attempts: 1 Time(s) 
 ---------------------- Dovecot End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ 

 Requests with error response codes
    404 Not Found
       /: 576 Time(s)
       /': 1 Time(s)
       //wp-admin/admin-ajax.php: 1 Time(s)
       //wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider ... ./wp-config.php: 2 Time(s)
       //xmlrpc.php: 3 Time(s)
       /admin.php: 10 Time(s)
       /admin/: 9 Time(s)
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       /admin/login.php: 9 Time(s)
       /administrator/index.php: 9 Time(s)
       /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png: 2 Time(s)
       /apple-touch-icon.png: 2 Time(s)
       /assets/modules/evogallery/js/uploadify/uploadify.php: 8 Time(s)
       /bitrix/admin/index.php?lang=en: 9 Time(s)
       /blog/: 1 Time(s)
       /blog/robots.txt: 1 Time(s)
       /blog/wp-admin/: 10 Time(s)
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       /category/news/feed/: 21 Time(s)
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       /pipermail/infra/2013-May/tiki-register.php: 12 Time(s)
       /pipermail/infra/2013-May/wp-content/theme ... es/timthumb.php: 4 Time(s)
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       /pipermail/infra/2013-May/xmlrpc.php: 7 Time(s)
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       /pipermail/infra/2014-March//xmlrpc.php: 1 Time(s)
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       /pipermail/infra/2015-May//xmlrpc.php: 1 Time(s)
       /pipermail/infra/2015-May/009724.html& ... V4Q//xmlrpc.php: 1 Time(s)
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       /wp-admin/: 9 Time(s)
       /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php: 3 Time(s)
       /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revolution ... ./wp-config.php: 1 Time(s)
       /wp-content/plugins/revslider/temp/update_ ... vslider/get.php: 1 Time(s)
       /wp-content/plugins/showbiz/temp/update_ex ... vslider/get.php: 1 Time(s)
       /wp-content/themes/TheTravelTheme/includes ... g.com%2Flin.php: 6 Time(s)
       /wp-content/themes/TheTravelTheme/includes/timthumb.php: 4 Time(s)
       /wp-content/uploads/style.php: 5 Time(s)
       /wp-login.php: 14 Time(s)
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       /wp/: 1 Time(s)
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       /wpinfos.php: 8 Time(s)
       /wpinfos.php?osc=cm0gLXJmIHp1Yi4qOyBybSAtc ... SAtcmYgenViLio=: 16 
       /xmlrpc.php: 20 Time(s)
       /xmlrpc.php?rsd: 1 Time(s)
       /zboard.php?id=test/lib.php?REMOTE_ADDR=: 4 Time(s)
 ---------------------- httpd End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- Postfix Begin ------------------------ 

      786   *Warning: Database file needs update 
     1321   *Warning: Pre-queue content-filter connection overload 
       58   Miscellaneous warnings 
   14.923M  Bytes accepted                        15,648,098
  160.173M  Bytes delivered                      167,953,255
 ========   ================================================
     1412   Accepted                                  84.15%
      266   Rejected                                  15.85%
 --------   ------------------------------------------------
     1678   Total                                    100.00%
 ========   ================================================
        3   Reject relay denied                        1.13%
       12   Reject HELO/EHLO                           4.51%
      251   Reject unknown user                       94.36%
 --------   ------------------------------------------------
      266   Total Rejects                            100.00%
 ========   ================================================
      947   4xx Reject recipient address              91.41%
       89   4xx Reject sender address                  8.59%
 --------   ------------------------------------------------
     1036   Total 4xx Rejects                        100.00%
 ========   ================================================
     3232   Connections made      
       74   Connections lost      
     3232   Disconnections        
     1411   Removed from queue    
      863   Delivered             
    23460   Sent via SMTP         
        1   Forwarded             
       20   Deferred              
       87   Deferrals             
       66   Bounce (remote)       
       45   DSNs undeliverable    
      347   Connection failure (outbound) 
        5   Timeout (inbound)     
      282   Hostname verification errors 
       14   Hostname validation error 
      136   Enabled PIX workaround 
 **Unmatched Entries**
        1   Nov 17 11:05:38 linode01 postfix/smtp[25720]: B30B83D4011: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 10:45:07 linode01 postfix/smtp[24977]: C285B3D0148: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 12:07:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[27526]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 11:30:14 linode01 postfix/smtp[26469]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 08:34:26 linode01 postfix/smtp[21261]: 8B858C5BC: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 12:07:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[27526]: 7C4B8C5A9: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 10:43:59 linode01 postfix/smtp[24981]: 4CD213D4011: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 09:34:28 linode01 postfix/smtp[22934]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:04:43 linode01 postfix/smtp[22000]: A7E4AC5BC: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 12:31:21 linode01 postfix/smtp[28167]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:48:28 linode01 postfix/smtp[23564]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:04:43 linode01 postfix/smtp[22000]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 17:49:54 linode01 postfix/smtp[2493]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 11:05:38 linode01 postfix/smtp[25720]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:32:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[22764]: 5BD26C5BC: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 05:47:56 linode01 postfix/smtp[17254]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 17:49:54 linode01 postfix/smtp[2493]: E2B17C74B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 11:04:35 linode01 postfix/smtp[25704]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:32:12 linode01 postfix/smtp[22764]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 04:52:58 linode01 postfix/smtp[15834]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:38:19 linode01 postfix/smtp[23049]: 9A883C752: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 10:30:38 linode01 postfix/smtp[24713]: 15F6F3D0147: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 09:34:13 linode01 postfix/smtp[22906]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 02:47:19 linode01 postfix/smtp[11738]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 07:25:46 linode01 postfix/smtp[19517]: CDF1CC5A9: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 10:43:59 linode01 postfix/smtp[24981]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:48:28 linode01 postfix/smtp[23564]: BBF99C754: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 07:51:55 linode01 postfix/smtp[20227]: 345F4C5A9: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 03:14:24 linode01 postfix/smtp[12150]: 5752AC71B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 12:41:02 linode01 postfix/smtp[28356]: 7AE90C5BC: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 02:47:19 linode01 postfix/smtp[11738]: 476A2C71B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 12:41:02 linode01 postfix/smtp[28356]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 11:04:35 linode01 postfix/smtp[25704]: 801183D4011: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 10:30:38 linode01 postfix/smtp[24713]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 10:45:07 linode01 postfix/smtp[24977]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 06:03:49 linode01 postfix/smtp[17554]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 11:30:14 linode01 postfix/smtp[26469]: 86E5E3D4011: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 09:54:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[23749]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 03:14:24 linode01 postfix/smtp[12150]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 07:25:46 linode01 postfix/smtp[19517]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 05:47:56 linode01 postfix/smtp[17254]: 905DDC5BC: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 03:44:21 linode01 postfix/smtp[13835]: 03182C754: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 09:38:19 linode01 postfix/smtp[23049]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 05:42:00 linode01 postfix/smtp[16812]: E090FC71B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 07:51:55 linode01 postfix/smtp[20227]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 12:31:21 linode01 postfix/smtp[28167]: 84B6CC71B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 03:44:21 linode01 postfix/smtp[13835]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:34:13 linode01 postfix/smtp[22906]: F2D90C74B: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 09:54:05 linode01 postfix/smtp[23749]: 61FC1C755: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 04:52:58 linode01 postfix/smtp[15834]: 96BBAC726: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 05:42:00 linode01 postfix/smtp[16812]: SSL_connect error to 
tacos.lugy.net[]:25: -1
        1   Nov 17 09:34:28 linode01 postfix/smtp[22934]: A7D9A3D0146: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 06:03:49 linode01 postfix/smtp[17554]: AAFEAC726: Cannot 
start TLS: handshake failure
        1   Nov 17 08:34:26 linode01 postfix/smtp[21261]: SSL_connect error to 
mail.albasoft.com[]:25: -1
 ---------------------- Postfix End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------ 

 Users logging in through sshd:
    eedri: (nat-pool-tlv-t.redhat.com): 1 time
 Received disconnect:
    11:  : 36 Time(s)
    11: Bye Bye : 11 Time(s)
    11: Normal Shutdown, Thank you for playing : 1 Time(s)
    11: disconnected by user : 1 Time(s)
    3: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail : 22 Time(s)
    3: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out : 1 Time(s)
 **Unmatched Entries**
 reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 
46x146x220x219.static-business.perm.ertelecom.ru [] failed - 
 reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for 210-61-150-154.hinet-ip.hinet.net 
[] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 1 time(s)
 Address maps to static.vdc.vn, but this does not map back to 
the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 1 time(s)
 reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for dynamic.vdc.vn [] 
failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! : 3 time(s)
 ---------------------- SSHD End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- Sudo (secure-log) Begin ------------------------ 

 eedri => root
 /bin/bash - 1 Times.
 nrpe => root
 /sbin/service - 288 Times.
 ---------------------- Sudo (secure-log) End ------------------------- 

 --------------------- Disk Space Begin ------------------------ 

 Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/xvda        97G   70G   27G  73% /
 ---------------------- Disk Space End ------------------------- 

 ###################### Logwatch End ######################### 

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