For standard CI,
I think we already talked about this and there was a discussion on what to
We'd like to implement a single index.html file so any script can push to
it and we'll have
a central place to show any results from tests/findbugs/etc...

For the "old style jobs" that uses yaml, feel free to add any plugin you'd
like to them,
I think the junit/xunit plugins are already installed so you shouldn't have
any issues.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Fabian Deutsch <> wrote:

> Hey,
> wouldn't it make sense to add the junit publisher to the standard job
> template?
> That way a job can simple run make check and maybe there is a
> nosetests.xml file left over which is then displayed nicely.
> In case that no nosetests.xml file is there, no results will be shown
> and no harm is done.
> Thoughts?
> - fabian
> P.s.: I'd liek to have it for imgbased
> --
> Fabian Deutsch <>
> RHEV Hypervisor
> Red Hat
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