A friendly reminder about the planned build which will start in one hour
and 39 minutes.
Please note this will be the second oVirt 4.1 beta compose and will be done
taking ovirt-4.1-snapshot in its state at compose time. If you've pending
fixes to be published please ping me at least 40 minutes before the
scheduled time.
engine will be rebuilt at 10 CET / 11 TLV time and added to the compose.

If you want to publish a different version of your package please push
changes to the ovirt-4.1.0_beta2.conf file within releng-tools project.

A list of pending blockers is available here:


On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 3:32 PM, Sandro Bonazzola <sbona...@redhat.com>

> Fyi oVirt developers,
> An oVirt build is planned for Wednesday  December 21st at 11:00 AM TLV
> time (10:00 AM CET).
> Taking into consideration the time it takes for Jenkins to run a full CI
> everything need to be backported by Tuesday 11PM.
> Please make sure to mark as verified and CR +2 so it will be ready for
> merging Wednesday morning.
> In order to stabilize the build and allow to prepare jenkins on time, 4.1
> branches need to be created before or on Monday Dec 19th.
> oVirt engine will be branched on Monday Dec 19th at 11:00 AM TLV time
> (10:00 AM CET).
> This build is also marking the string freeze milestone. After this build
> please avoid to push new strings to be translated to allow translators to
> complete translations for RC.
> A list of pending blockers is available here:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=
> target_milestone%3A4.1.0-beta%20flag%3Ablocker%20status%
> 3Anew%2Cassigned%2Cpost
> --
> Sandro Bonazzola
> Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
> See how it works at redhat.com

Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at redhat.com
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