On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Pedro Francisco
<pedrogfranci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Some Planets provide a opml.xml file so people can use to subscribe to
> everyone who publishes to the planet (for example, using Liferea,
> which periodically checks if the OPML has been updated and fetches it
> if so).
> The file exists on Planet Fedora but has missing URL info (
> http://planet.fedoraproject.org/opml.xml ).
> Does anyone know if this is on purpose?
> Thanks,
> --
> Pedro

Hi Pedro, the planet is infra related.
Forwarding to them so they could see what's going on
@infra, where is it in our arch? I could have the access, not sure…

Kévin Raymond
infrastructure mailing list

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