Hi my name is Matt, I would like to start learning more about what goes on 
behind the scenes and apply my current skills and gain some new ones, hopefully 
in web application development.  By day  I work in systems/network operations 
for a FOIP company in, mainly doing new physical deployments and backend grunt 
work (backups, monitoring(Nagios), vulnerability scanning(NMap, Nessus), 
firefighting.  I have a good working knowledge of BASH, Sed/Awk, Python, C/C++, 
SQL, MediaWiki and some Django.  I hope to put the little Django experience I 
have to more use and expand upon it.
By night I am working on a small script/package collection for Windows admins 
who refuse to actually use Windows or a heavyweight GUI for that matter.  My 
goal is a single package that will contain everything most admins need 
including rdesktop, OpenConnect and various scripts for parsing common windows 
log files into meaningful noise. If I have to do something more than twice, I'm 
scripting it.
My IRC nick is urlugal and I hope to contribute to the website and the wiki as 
my skills improve.  For now I am ok with watching and learning unless someone 
has a specific project I can get my feet wet with.  I couldn't find anything 
that looked relatively simple in the Active Tickets list and didn't want to 
step on toes.
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