On Wed, 28 Jan 2015 18:01:59 +0100
Pierre-Yves Chibon <pin...@pingoured.fr> wrote:

> After some more fighting:
> is working:
> - shell access for admins
> - fedpkg clone, pull, push
>   - Fails on package on which user does not have the ACLs
>   - Fails on branches not allowed
>   - Fails on branches named origin/...
> - cgit: http://pkgs.stg.fedoraproject.org/cgit/
> - fedpkg new-sources / sources
> All this with SELinux enabled.


> Fails:
> - fedmsg-genacls.sh
> - fedmsg messages sent after an upload
> Of the two, the last one at least is still SELinux related, no clue
> for the first one.
> So if we want to move it along, we can run w/o SELinux for the moment
> (as we do currently) or wait some more to debug/fix things.

I'd really like to have selinux enabled on it. 

If we can't figure it out, perhaps we could ask Dan Walsh to take a

> Thanks to Mathieu and tfirg on #selinux for the great help on this
> work!

Yes, thanks for all your work on this... exciting to get nearer to


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