Since I'm leaving for one week vacation, I think I may write down current 
status of our new OpenStack instance and write
down TODO list. Just in case someone is desperate enough to do some fixes.

I updated docs.git/cloud.txt - mainly which playbooks we use right now and 
where to write down IP, when you add new
compute node.

Controller - should be OK. At least I see no problems there right now. Network 
is stable. I can log to EqualLogic
(credentials are at bottom of cinder.conf). Volumes are created correctly. I 
can reach compute nodes. AMQP works and is
reachable from Compute nodes (do not try to play with SSL&RabbitMQ it will 
never work on RHEL7). Horizon works (over https).

Compute nodes - it looks good until you try to start VM. :) I fixed several 
problems, but new ones still pop ups.

If you want to debug it, just go to dashboard and start new VM (note that 
m1.tiny is too small for Fedora image) and on
controller do:
  tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log
And look for something like:
  Choosing host WeighedHost [host:, weight: 
1.0] for instance

then log to that instance (right now root@fed-cloud09 can ssh directly as 
root@fed-cloudXX) and
  tail -f /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log /var/log/neutron/openvswitch-agent.log
When spin up of VM fail, then controller try 2 next machines before giving up.

Right now there is some error:
  TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'\n"
which is new to me and which I will not manage to fix before I will leave today.
It may be last one problem or they may be dozen other still waiting in queue. 
It's hard to tell.

Smaller fixes to do:
* playbook hosts/ can be enhanced that 
after packstack execution the machine
should be restarted. Right now I am waiting for first error after packstack and 
then I restart the machine manualy and
re-run playbook again. This is last manual workaround. Everything else was 
already automated.
* routing between compute nodes and controller using public IP does not work. 
Not fatal right now, but nice to have.

Miroslav Suchy, RHCE, RHCDS
Red Hat, Senior Software Engineer, #brno, #devexp, #fedora-buildsys
infrastructure mailing list

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