On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 11:32:39AM -0500, Adam Miller wrote:
> > Yeah, I think what we need is a "Fedora Docker" product.
> > ie, at this level:
> > Is "Fedora Docker" the right name for the product?
> I'm honestly not sure, I'd like to get mattdm and/or the Council to
> chime in on that. I'm definitely not the right person for selecting
> the color of the bike shed.

I was first thinking "Fedora Docker Layered Images" — it's longish but
accurately descriptive. But then I thought: actually, we don't have a
clear bug-reporting home for _base_ images (other than pagure for the
fedora-kickstarts). So, if it isn't too ugly to overload the namespace
just a little bit, we could just do "Fedora Docker Images".

What do you all think?

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
infrastructure mailing list

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