IRC handle: petebuffon

Skills I have:

   - Linux System Administration (Ubuntu, RHEL)
   - Container networking, firewalls, NFS/SMB, and Wireguard VPN
   - Python, JavaScript, git, C, R, HTML, CSS
   - KVM, Docker, Podman, LXD
   - Infrastructure as code (Terraform)
   - Vector and bitmap editing (Inkscape, GIMP)

I am a Regular listener of LINUX Unplugged, Ask Noah Show, and 2.5 Admins.

What I want to learn:

   - System administration
   - Networking
   - Infrastructure as code including but not limited to Ansible
   - CI/CD pipelines
   - Continue to learn about containers and possibly Kubernetes

Adjacent interests include:

   - Security
   - Hardware
   - Cryptography
   - IoT
   - Web development

Issue #9693 <> looks
interesting to me as it involves Ansible and is apprentice friendly.

I am looking to change careers into system administration/DevOps and I
would like to gain some real world experience and beef up my resume by
joining the Fedora Infrastructure team.  I use Fedora every day and it
would be great to give back to the community.

Pete Buffon
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