I am using dracut-006 (I think - the last which comes out of FC13 repository) and currently I have to specify rd_LUKS_UUID=luks-<UUID> in order to make it work, which is not very convenient.

Much have changed in dracut-007, a bit changed in git repo, and more
will change soon, so track and use git/repo. :-)  You might be
interested in my current work <http://github.com/aidecoe/dracut> where
things go first before reaching Harald's official Dracut repo:

It turns out that I am actually on dracut-005-3.fc13.noarch (dracut-tools-005-3.fc13.noarch), which is even worse - that is the 'latest' version which comes out of FC13 repositories.

I've spend a bit of time looking through the various files dracut uses/generates and have a query: there is a group of scripts in the 50plymouth directory which also deals with encrypted partitions, so which one takes precedence (I presume plymouth as it has a lower number, is that right?)? If I modify/enhance the scripts in 90crypt would that be futile as plymouth will already be done with it?

I am also trying to figure out how to resolve/satisfy all the dependencies for the various tools I need to run in order to read a smartcard token and, at present, I am a bit stuck as the dependencies go very deep - one requirement is to have, among other things, dbus-libs (D-Bus) and hal-libs (HAL - that was supposed to be deprecated in favour of udev a long time ago!). To be frank, as things stand, I am not sure I am going to be able to satisfy all dependencies as the system on which initrd runs is very limited.

One other alternative is to build a stripped-down version of the tool I need, which implements just a single function: reads a specified token from the smartcard (log in, specifying the card PIN, if necessary), display it on the console and exit. This way, some/most of the dependencies which currently exist may not be needed and installation can proceed. I've posted on the dev forum to see if this can be done, so fingers crossed!

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